Category Archives: Seo Consulting

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The most important SEO ranking factors you need to know

Here, the Google ranking factor really matters to lift those businesses up. You can find lots of information floating around these days regarding the website rank. Google ranking factors offer webmasters, Search Engine Optimisation and content marketer with the recent insight about essential ranking factors for high ranking search results.

To be clear, Google features a very complex ranking algorithm and will take account of more than 200 different ranking factors. However, back in 2016, so quite recently, Google basically confirmed its top three ranking factors: Link Profile, Content quality, and User Experience metrics.

1. Backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most important part of the search algorithm. With this, they are also one of the most misunderstood. Backlinks are other website owners that mention another websites domain, by creating a link to your websites content. Many website owners use these links to their advantage. When you have multiple backlinks from high-authority domains, your chances to ranking higher raises substantially for your targeted keywords.

Backlinks might sound great, but there are many things that can cause havoc and put you in trouble. Google explains that backlinks calculate a link score. This score is calculated by examining every incoming link to your website by the other websites quality score (aka PageRank) and the number of links to the site.

Link quantity is very important for Google, but more importantly is the quality of the link you are receiving to your site. You need to focus on gaining high domain authority sites that have many high quality linking domains. When creating or asking for backlinks, stay away from spammy, low quality websites. If Google finds you on too many spammy sites, your rankings can drop substantially, and at times, your website can get de-indexed from Google.

Also, if you outsource any backlink project to someone else, you need to know if they will not add you into a load of low quality, spammy sites. You must trust this individual by doing some research on their work. Some backlinks are so spammy that they can throw your whole backlink profile on Googles blacklist, eventually leading to a Google penalty.

We can think of inbound links or backlinks as the vote of confidence in the digital world. When a website links to your content, they are saying that your page is reliable, credible, and trustworthy. When the link is coming from a relevant, high-quality website, it’s like getting a recommendation letter from a famous person in your industry (read: it’s very valuable).

Nowadays the quality of the backlinks is significantly more important than quantity. In fact, getting too many low-quality backlinks at any given time might get your site penalized by Google.

While inbound links are the most important of the three, that’s not saying outbound links and internal links are not important:

– Outbound links and proper internal linking structure can help improve your site’s relevance. Linking to an authoritative site, for example, can tell Google that you are a legitimate content creator for a specific topic. A proper internal linking practice can also help Google with the indexation process.
– Proper external links essentially tell Google about the niche/industry you are in, the topic you are covering, the potential competitors, and so on. In short, you are helping the search engines to index and structure the whole internet.
– Linking to relevant content (that is already ranking) can provide additional value for your audience (which can indirectly affect ranking).
– When you link to others, you let the other party notice your site and your content. In the future, they might return the favor and link your content. In short, this can be the start of a fruitful relationship.

2. Quality Content

The quality of your content is the center of your SEO, period. No amount of SEO optimizations and state-of-the-art strategy can help low-quality content. Think of SEO as a way to amplify the performance of high-quality and relevant content and not the other way around.

In the past, SEO content is solely about optimizing the content for the target keywords, and thus we aim for a certain keyword density. It’s very important to understand that today, SEO is no longer solely about keyword optimization.

Instead, the most important thing to focus on is whether your content can meet the user’s search intent. In general, there are four different types of search intent:

– Informational intent. The user is simply looking for information. For example, a user might look for information about SEO by using the “what is SEO” search query. In this case, we can provide educational or informational content to meet this user’s needs.
– Transactional intent. Here, the user is searching for a product/service with the intention to buy. Nowadays, however, people might search directly on Amazon when they have transactional intent. This intent is usually identified when the user uses “buy” in their query.
– Comparison and Investigation. The user has the intention to buy in the future or is considering to make the purchase by comparing different products/services, check for online reviews, etc. When a user uses queries like “compare” or “review”, it is a strong sign they are having this intent.
– Navigational intent. Users with this intent are trying to get to a specific website. For example, we might type “Instagram” in the search bar for convenience’s sake.

User can have all four of these search intents with various queries, so it’s very important to develop a wide variety of content to cover all of these intents.

Google is getting better and better at recognizing how content can cater to a specific intent. Google BERT, the latest algorithm update, allows Google to better understand the context of long-tail, complex queries.

Content optimization for SEO is a very complex subject, but in general, it’s about being better than the other ranking content. Do a quick Google search of your target keyword (more on this later), and analyze the top-ranking pages (if possible, analyze all pages featured on the first page of the SERP). We generally have two options:

– Develop a better, longer, more in-depth content than these competitors.
– Be different, and cover the keyword from a unique angle.

Which one is easier? In most cases—if the opportunity presents itself—, being unique is relatively easier, but not saying it’s easy.

Content quality and relevance are extremely related to backlinks (as discussed above). Good content will always get linked, sooner or later. On the other hand, no amount of promotion can help low-quality content that is not relevant to get authoritative backlinks.

important SEO ranking factors

3. User Experience Metrics

To reiterate, Google search’s mission is to provide relevant and reliable search results for its user, and the Google search algorithm is constantly being improved to achieve this mission.

One of Google’s major improvements in accordance with this objective is the introduction of Google RankBrain. RankBrain is Google’s first AI-based algorithm that is launched in 2016, and with its machine learning capability, Google is now getting better at measuring and recognizing these user-experience metrics in real-time:

– Bounce rate: the percentage of visitors that leave your site after viewing just one page (single page visit). It can be after one second or one hour, what matters is they leave after just a single page.
– Dwell time: that is, how long a visitor spends on your site. They can view just one page or 100 pages, but this metric is about the total time spent.
– Click-through rate (CTR): the percentage of users that click on SERP results and visit the website

These three metrics combined, essentially provide Google with the information whether your site is relevant for the user, according to the user’s search query and search intent.

4. Increase page speed

Mobile page speed is an official ranking factor. As much as 53% of mobile site visitors leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load. All this once again proves that site speed should be among the top concerns for website owners.

To ensure your site performs well, regularly check your pages’ load time and performance with Google’s PageSpeed Insights or any other third-party tools. They will help detect what slows your site down and recommend how to correct speed issues.

Make sure none of your content elements hamper your pages load. Consider resizing large images, eliminating slowing elements or those that are not supported by mobile browsers (like Flash, for example).

5. Mobile performance

Even though it’s closely connected with user experience, I believe this topic deserves a separate paragraph.

Google tends to rank higher the websites that perform better. Moreover, since the introduction of mobile-first indexing, as well as Google’s Mobile Speed Update, mobile websites performance has officially become a significant ranking factor.

Remember, all things mobile became possible due to the increased use of smartphones. To remain the top search engine, Google had to match the changed user behavior. So now Google’s crawling, indexing, and ranking systems are prioritizing mobile site versions over desktop. And this is what you should do to ensure your website meets the new reality.

Related content 5 clever SEO tatics to speed up website ranking


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5 clever SEO tatics to speed up website ranking

Category : Seo Consulting

Here are the best SEO tatics that you can use to boost the performance of your website in search results to reach more customers and grow your business.

Post Relevant Content

Content marketing—the distribution of relevant content such as blogs, videos, etc. for a specific audience—is a huge contributor to how a company ranks. Google determines the thought leaders and experts in each industry based on content that’s produce. In order for this to happen, you must create valuable content that improves your SEO and your customer’s experience.

Blogs are a great way to enhance the customer experience while building your SEO. A dentist, for example, may write an article on how long a patient will miss work after having their wisdom teeth removed. This improves the user’s experience by providing an answer to a common customer concern. Plus, updating your site regularly with fresh content improves your SEO and keeps Google happy.

At Loud Rumor, we wrote a blog called “Pros and Cons To Having Your Business on Yelp” to address whether or not it’s really worth putting your business on Yelp when so many reviews are filtered. Addressing this concern made us a resource for local businesses. We still receive a ton of traffic each month to our site as a result.

Customers won’t always be comfortable asking you their questions outright. Producing content that addresses their concerns not improves SEO, but meets an unfulfilled need of a potential customer.

Update older content with fresh information

Ever searched for information about a celebrity or a review of a car or something similar?

You probably have and the results you received were from the most recent news articles about that celebrity, and the latest model of car.

This is Google’s “Query Deserves Freshness” algorithm at work.

Google rewards fresh content so that results are more relevant to what users are looking for. To determine freshness, the time between when Google first crawled the site and the last edit are taken into account.

So if you publish a page and suddenly change it, it doesn’t become fresh.

However, if enough time has passed, updating your old content will register as “fresh” content – and be more likely to give you a boost in the SERPs (search engine results pages).

And in some cases, it may make sense to change the publication date and add a note to the top of the post to explain that you’ve updated the post.

That way, Google will display the updated publication date in SERPs.

Don’t Be Afraid of the Longtail

Any good SEO program starts with keywords. After all, to ensure we are talking about our products or services the right way, we need to understand how our customers are talking about our products or services.

I’m not going to get into the nuances of keyword research, as there are plenty of articles out there, but what I do want to discuss is a problem we face when choosing target keywords – selecting terms based on search volume.

Take for the example the phrase marketing automation. If you are a marketing automation platform and see that marketing automation gets upwards of 7,000 searches per month, you probably want to have some visibility for this term. Right?

Sure. However, when we look at the search results, we can see these results aren’t for someone who’s ready to buy. These search results are for someone who is looking to learn what marketing automation is.

SEO tatics

Optimize for the right keywords

Keywords are probably one of the first things that come to your mind when I say “SEO.” They determine what your articles will be about. They influence the choice of your domain name. They also dictate your link building efforts.

So, how to get the most out of your keyword research?

– Do it continually.

One of the major mistakes inexperienced SEOs make is researching keywords for a couple of weeks and then stop. Experienced marketers update their keywords regularly. This is the only way to identify the phrases that really work for you and focus on them to increase your rankings.

– Pick the right keywords.

Optimizing content for irrelevant keywords results in driving irrelevant traffic to your site and, consequently, poor conversion rates. Marketers usually target keywords with the highest search volume. But, this may be a terrible mistake, as these keywords mean greater competition you’re up against. To get your startup ranked as high as possible, you should choose keywords that are not overly competitive, but still can help you drive relevant traffic.

– Focus on search intent.

In 2019, instead of observing what keywords searchers Google, you need to focus on what kind of content they want to see when they hit “Enter.” That’s the main idea behind search intent. By understanding what results your customers expect to see in the SERPs, you will be able to adapt your keywords to their expectations and drive more qualified traffic to your site.

Build links on authoritative sites

When launching a new company, your goal is to boost its niche authority and get it noticed by the right people. And, this is where link building, especially guest blogging, can help. The idea behind this practice is simple. You want to find credible sites and bloggers in your niche that target the same audiences and build relationships with them.

Before you even reach out to a site, make sure you check their domain authority, engagement rates, bounce rates, as well as niche relevance. Getting links from low-quality sites may harm both your online image and rankings.

Contributing to authoritative websites brings numerous benefits to you. First, backlinks are one of Google’s major ranking signals. So, the more reputable the site that links back to you is, the higher rankings you will earn. Second, you will increase your online reputation. By creating an amazing article, you will inspire a reader to read your bio, visit your website for more content and, ultimately, turn them into repeat visitors (and customers).

Related post Everything about SEO strategies you should create


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Everything about SEO strategies you should create

Category : Seo Consulting

Successful SEO is not about tricking Google. It’s about PARTNERING with Google to provide the best search results for Google’s users

One of the big misconceptions about SEO is that it’s all about tricking Google to get your website to rank high.

Again, it’s important to consider Google’s mission.  They want to organize all the information online and present it to the searcher so that only the best websites are at the top of the results page.

With that in mind, the goal of SEO is to make it as easy as possible for Google to find your website (by using proper HTML code, writing relevant copy, designing for ease of use, optimizing page load speed) and then to give Google a reason to rank your website higher than all the other relevant websites (by publishing better and more robust information, getting more links, more online PR).

Think Mobile

The number of people using mobile devices has increased in number over the past few years. With Google moving to a mobile-first search index soon, and the fact that a majority of Google searches are done through mobile, your mobile page would soon become your main page. This means that your website must be optimized for mobile as soon as possible.

How to apply: The first thing that you should do to your website is to apply responsive design into your website. This improves the user experience through better navigation, which means users will stay in your website longer. This can be done by changing your website’s code to comply with the adjustment from mobile to desktop. You can also create your own AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) website as well, as this helps improve performance and loading speed.

Create More Video Content

Nowadays, it is much more common to see internet users access more video content compared to blogs and images. This means that video content has now become more important than ever, with other users having the tendency to search on Youtube before even going to Google. When it comes to the amount of searches, Youtube is already the second largest search engine, and your website would surely benefit with having some video content.

How to apply: Do some research on what the users prefer to watch, and see how you can create videos that they can connect with. Video creation and production is a different thing in of itself, and requires some good video and sound equipment to pull off. It is also important to make your videos SEO-friendly, as Google shows Youtube videos in their search results.


According to WPHacked, “In 2020, small business cybersecurity is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation.”

Plus, 70% of all featured snippets are on sites that have adopted HTTPS. So take it seriously!

Every page on your site should be secured with an SSL certificate.

Chrome now shows a warning for all sites that are not secured by an SSL certificate, and in some cases it won’t even render pages that do not.

Imagine if you are researching products on a website and you received a warning saying the site wasn’t secure.

You would probably think twice about making a trusting that information or visiting again, right? You definitely don’t want to create that same doubt for your own website visitor.

Make sure all of your URLs resolve to HTTPS (rather than HTTP).

If they don’t, those pages are not secure. If you haven’t already taken care of this, it can cost you with search engines and with your visitors because people will not put as much trust in your content.

Voice search is pacing up at the exponential rate

The use of voice search option is growing very rapidly.

This option has provided the feasibility to even those users who were unable to make searches earlier.

But now they can easily make searches using their voice.

We can easily notice that now voice search also holds a good percentage in total searches.

Therefore, this is the demand of the situation that voice search optimization must also be considered while SEO.

This will help to target those users also who are making searches using their voice.

As in SEO keywords are used to get the relevant and quality traffic.

In the same manner, to optimize the voice search, conversational keywords are used.

Voice search optimization will help to improve the website ranking for voice searches.

Have you ever thought that will your website appear in the searches made using the voice?

If not…then think about it.

It may be or maybe not.

But with voice search optimization you can make your website appear for voice search also.

If the website consists of conversational keywords then it is more likely to appear in the search results.

Even Google is also quite concerned about the future of voice searches.

As now search engines will provide accurate information just by understanding the intent of the voice search.

SEO strategies

A local strategy

Local searches that include “near me” or “close by” have increased by 900% in recent years. That is a lot of people looking for information locally.

Of those searches, 88% of local business searches on a mobile device resulted in either a call or a visit to the business within 24 hours.

This could mean big bucks!

If you are a local business, you’ll want to optimize your online properties, including your website and social media pages, to show up for those searches.

Be sure that all of your online properties are consistent with your name, address, and phone number. Your website should also have this information displayed on the footer of each page on your site.

In a similar vein, have you paid attention to your Google My Business listing?

If you are a local business, you should maximize your Google My Business listing and update it regularly. Be sure to add pictures, video, and posts.

Question-focused content

Creating content that answers the questions your prospects are asking is a crucial search strategy.

It will help you with search engines and it may help you get featured snippets, which can increase your traffic.

Your content should answer the most pressing questions that your audience has. For example, no matter what someone is buying, whether it’s a pack of gum or a car, they want to know about price.

At IMPACT, we refer to these core topics as “The Big 5.” These topics are the ones that can affect your bottom line.

Make sure any content you produce is 80% educational (answering questions) and only 20% promotional.

Lengthy content is one of the tricks to add value to the users

Many times the length of the content is not taken seriously but it somewhere affects the ranking of the website.

It has been observed that content which contains word count between 1500-2000 has a better ranking in comparison to the content with less than 1500 words.

It doesn’t mean that short content does not rank well.

Just the thing is Long content is written in a very detailed way.

Therefore, it covers a wide range of topics and provides diverse information must on one platform.

Such content helps to add more value to the users.

Such kind of content is more likely to be displayed in SERP by Google.

Lengthy content generally contains more keywords.

Ultimately, driving the content to rank for more than one keywords.

And one cannot get out of this fact that better ranking means better visibility.

As a result, better visibility ends up with more clicks and conversions.

Related post How to optimize image for SEO


Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM.


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How does your post get indexed quickly

I did a lot of research on how to index a website faster in Google, and you should take into consideration the idea of getting indexed by Google given that, in some cases, it can take more than a couple of weeks till Google starts indexing your posts.

But before we get to fix why your new posts are not appearing on Google, it is essential to understand how Google works, how it does the indexing and how he is listing search results.

So, now when you’ve learned all about Google indexing, how it is done, and what type of information spiders store, it’s time to discuss about things you can do to increase the index rate. Read on to know some highly useful ways those provide your website quick indexing within no time.

What is indexing and how it is performed? A quick overview

Indexing in SEO term refers to the process of keeping a record of web pages and adding them to Google search result. Information gathered by Googlebot from crawling is processed and included in the searchable index of Google if considered for the higher quality of content.

When Googlebot comes onto a specific website, it starts doing crawling and on the basis of an index and no-index Meta tags, it includes webpage with index tags in a specific search engine. It provides the way through which you can make sure which page to appear on different search engines.

What information web spiders contain?

After spider crawls the website, they look at important information that includes:

It is the address of World Wide Web Page that holds the great importance. It is impossible to find the website without determining its URL at very first. It is crucial information spiders contain.

Title tag
It is the name of a webpage appears on SERP as clickable headline for given search result. Spiders index it first.

Image tag
It includes image ALT tag, title tag, and filename giving the description and work of an image on a webpage.

Meta data
It is a short description of a website with relevant keyword and spiders look for it most while indexing the site.

These are the tags (H1-H5) that are generally title of a post or bolded (highlighted) text on the webpage.

These are the most important way of ranking power and considered as a vote for popularity. More the external links to your website, higher will be the popularity and chances for improved ranking.


It refers to whole content present on the website or blog.

post get indexed quickly

There are numerous ways to get discovered on Google. Let’s see how you can create a sitemap and gain backlinks:

Create a sitemap. A sitemap would have all pages of your website gathered in one place and arranged in a format that can be easily processed by Google. A sitemap is essentially a map of all content. Whenever new content, such as pages, products or blog posts, is added to your site the sitemap gets updated automatically and Google receives a notification on the update.

You can even tell Google how often your site is updated through sitemap so that the search engine knows when to start crawling for new content. The easiest way to create a sitemap for a WordPress site is to install Google XML sitemap plugin, that will automatically create, update and submit a sitemap to Google. There are other sitemap generators that have exactly the same functionality for non-Wordpress sites.

Submit your sitemap. Once you create a sitemap you need to submit it to Google Webmaster Tools to notify Google about your newly born website. Create a Webmaster Tools account and add your website domain to Google Webmaster Tools. Then go to Optimization and click Sitemaps – here you can submit your sitemap. You can also follow the same process to submit your sitemap to Bing.

Get Google Analytics account. Since Google Analytics is the product of Google there is a high chance that your website will get noticed faster if you install Google Analytics. There is no direct link between Google Analytics and website visibility but it does not hurt since you’re going to need the metrics anyway.

Let search engines know about your website. You can also simply submit your site’s URL to Google. Follow this Google Webmaster Submit URL link to use. While this won’t make much difference, it is a pretty quick fix, that can be done with a click of a button. Go to your Google Account, open this Google Webmaster Submit URL and paste the website’s URL into a bar. Bing provides a similar feature.

Go social. Social media sites have huge authority within search engines, so you want to make sure your site is featured in as many profiles as possible. Create a profile for your business and put a website link into the appropriate field or in the description. You can also put the link to your website on your personal profile. Here are all social media to consider: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Post on social media. Creating profiles is not the only way to gain backlinks from social media. You can post content updates onto a profile or share a status update with a link to your website. This signals Google that the site exists and that it is starting to gain popularity in the social world.

Use bookmarking services. Bookmarking services such as StumbleUpon allow you to highlight the content that you like and receive platform’s suggestions on the similar type of content. Try bookmarking your website pages – this will let the platform know that the site exists and you will gain a backlink from a reputable resource.

Build links. Building links is a very time-consuming process, that requires some sale, marketing, networking and content creation skills. There are two ways to build links: write a powerful piece of content that people would want to link to and write guest posts for others. Guest posting can be anything from press releases to website directories.

Each type of link building has pros and cons, but generally, guest posting is easier and presents less risk compared to creating a viral piece of content and trying to push it to others.

Don’t discourage search engines from indexing your site. New site owners should always enable “Discourage Search Engines” option in WordPress while the site is in the development stage. The option prevents Google from judging your website based on the incomplete or incorrect information. But once the site is live, don’t forget to disable this option, otherwise, the site will not get as much traffic as you might have expected.

Check for Google crawl errors. Go to Google Search console and add a site property. Then choose Crawl and Crawl Errors. The report will show all the crawling errors that Googlebot has encountered on your site. 404 errors don’t necessarily affect your site performance in Google, but they do damage user experience and affect bounce rates.

When bounce rates are too high, this can serve as a sign to Google that the content and the website are of low quality.
Ask Google to recrawl your website. If you’ve recently made changes to your website or content you can use Google recrawl function using Fetch as Google tool in Search Console. However, if there are too many updates it might be easier for you to submit a new sitemap to Google.

Related content The secret of Google rankings


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How to realize your site has been hit by Google Penguin Penalties

Regardless of what triggered the penalty, and whether it’s for a personal site or a client’s, you need to be able to diagnose what caused it and fix it. In most cases, you can get almost all of your search traffic back in the short-term.

If you’re ready to get rid of any penalties by Google Penguin Algorithm holding back your organic search traffic or you’d just like to prepare for future problems, let’s get started.

How Can I Discover if I have been penalized By Google Penguin Algorithm

If Google determines that your site contains spam backlinks, one of these actions may apply to your site. Many SEO’s simply call this a punishment because it reduces Google’s ranking and leads to data loss.

For example, in 2013 Google punished Rap Genius (now Genius) for participating in a link scheme. We followed your ranking and found that a dozen keywords we followed had lost 4 to 6 pages on Google:

how to recover from Google Penguin Algorithm

This was a widely publicized Google penalty that paid much attention to Google Penguin and Rap Genius.

Since then, much has changed how Google punishes a website because of the Google Penguin algorithm update. For example, Google has (in the past) penalized a complete website.

As of 2016, Google announced that the penalties would be more precise. Gary Illyes of Google said that Google Penguin is much “nicer” because:

  • Now it updates in real time.
  • Ignore spam instead of using it as a classification factor.
  • grainy and will not punish entire sites as often

If Google Penguin Algorithm penalizes your website then your website rank will get down and as result website traffic will also get a drop.

Links will play a role in SEO despite the changes brought about by Google’s Penguin 4.0 update, so websites should continue to include them in SEO ranking efforts. But as any search ranking effort, link building cannot be the only strategy because numerous links without any online noise is likely to raise doubts with Google crawlers.

If you have made efforts to build online buzz about your website and have earned links organically through different strategies, you’re likely to get rewarded by the search engine with a higher rank.

Links continue to remain a strong part of SEO, but it cannot be followed in a sequestered manner, which is separate from other strategies. Under the new update, devalued websites can actually rebuild their ranking by simply building high-quality links.

Websites affected by the Penguin update can make changes to recover quickly:

  • Avoid over optimising anchor texts and websites in general, so they look more natural for Google bots.
  • Remove low-quality links to your website to ensure Penguin updates don’t penalise you.
  • Add high-quality links from reputed source sites.
  • Create a mobile-friendly interface without popups to avoid penalties from Google.
  • Build organic links through different online marketing strategies.
  • Build high-value content to ensure better inbound links to your website.

The Penguin 4.0 update is designed to eliminate poor link building efforts by focussing on organic strategies. Websites will want to consider making these changes quickly in order to stay relevant and high up in search rankings.

Read more How Does Google Penguin Algorithm Work


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What can you do when Google Fred Penalty hits your website

As we’ve seen, Google won’t tell you exactly what’s in the Fred algorithm. That’s why some SEO professionals had to make some inferences.

However, Gary Illyes did offer an important piece of advice about how to avoid getting hit with a Fred penalty.

This past April, at the AMA session during the SMX West conference, Illyes said that the answer to Fred is in the webmaster quality guidelines.

So here’s what you can do to stay in the good graces of Google:

  • Provide high-quality content – In your content marketing efforts, make sure that your articles are top-notch. If you have to, hire a professional writer to give you the best quality. Also, strive for longform content as that tends to cover subjects more exhaustively.

The Ultimate Guide to 10x Content - Avg Content Length- Google Fred Penalty

Google Fred Penalty

  • Avoid “forced” backlinks – If you’re in the habit of buying backlinks from people who own their own private blog networks (PBNs), stop that practice immediately. Even “honest” guest-posting can get you into trouble if you’re forcing unnatural backlinks from low-quality sites. Instead, strive to produce quality content (see above) and let Google’s algorithm push it to the top of the SERPs.
  • Avoid excessive ads – The Fred update also hit sites with an abundance of ads. Although it’s unclear how many ads is “too many” for Fred, you can use common sense. If you think people will find your site annoying because it has a couple of pop-ups, a video ad in the corner, ads in the middle of the content, and banner ads all over the page, you can be fairly certain that you have “too many” ads.

Avoid creating pages with too many ads or you will be penalized by Fred - Google Fred Penalty

Avoid creating pages with too many ads or you will be penalized by Fred – Google Fred Penalty

If some of your content lost rank because of Fred, you might not be able to fully recover it. However, going forward, you can make sure that your future content ranks well. Do that by producing quality articles, avoiding backlink spam, and showing only a few ads on your site.

In addition, make sure your website is focused and does not try to cover general topics.

Read more How to protect website from Google Fred Algorithm


Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM.


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How to protect website from Google Fred Algorithm

Did you notice a substantial drop in organic traffic on your site? If so, what can you do to recover from Fred, and how do you protect yourself from future content, back-link, and advertising display algorithm updates? Following are five solutions that will have positive impacts on your website’s SEO.

Create More Engaging Content:

When creating new content, make sure it’s relevant and of the highest quality. Don’t skimp on resources for quality; hire only the best content producers, especially those completing the copy-writing.

The writing should be written for humans, not search engines. Google’s algorithms get smarter and smarter everyday, and the latest Fred update is just a continuation of Google’s path to having nothing but valuable content across the web, which includes good writing flow, spelling, and grammar.

Above all, content should be free of grammatical errors, fact checked, and also educate and entertain your readers. Remembering to chunk content into smaller sections with sub-titles (H tags for you SEOs), and stray far from “black hat” SEO techniques like keyword stuffing, as has been the norm for many years now, but we will continue to issue warnings here until we see compliance. Resistance is futile.

There also used to be a case for shorter content due to modern attention spans while online, but based on studies like the Searchmetrics’ Ranking Factors & Rank Correlations (, Google rewards websites with longer-form content. The days of 300-word blog posts are gone for those who want success.

Update Outdated Content:

Most of the websites affected by the Fred update had outdated content that caused some concern for irrelevancy–something Google obviously frowns against.

Update your content, paying close attention to any content that’s not worth any value, such as products no longer available or events that have passed. Along the way optimize each piece of content with updated targeted keywords and call to actions. Make sure all of your lead forms are concurrent with the latest versions, and any outbound links are not directing clicks to dead webpages.

If you must delete content–like a page about a temporary sales page or past job postings–don’t simply hit the delete button or unpublish it. The best SEO practice is to redirect it to another page through what SEOs call a 301 redirect. Point old product pages to the newest product, or old job postings to your careers page.

Check those Back-links:

Back-links are simply other websites that have linked to a page or post on your website for a reference. The problem is some of those websites linking back to you are of poor quality, or even worse, unknowingly display porn or other unwaned links deployed by malware or blackhat spammers. This is where it’s imperative to have an SEO perform some back-link analysis and resolve any bad back-links.  We suggest using webmaster tools (search console) first, but also use third party tools such as MOZ tools to identify and formally disavow bad links.

Less Intrusive Advertising and Affiliates:

From our studies, the Google Fred algorithm update had the largest impact on content-heavy websites. Many of these types of websites, such as a news blog or product review platform, create income through advertising and affiliate marketing.

The problem is some of these ads–you know, those annoying pop ups that are impossible to click off without losing the page you’re viewing–are too intrusive. The same goes for some affiliate ads such as the ones within the text you are reading.

The Fred algorithm penalized those sites with the most intrusive ads, which take away from user experience. Again, user experience is the main focus for Google, and always will be.

Read more Something important about Google algorithm update


Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM.


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Great ways to bring more visitors to your website

It takes work, sometimes quite hard word, to get more people to visit your website. But to make it easier – we’re giving you a dozen ways to do it.

1. Create great content

People want information. That means content.

Not just good sales copy about what your company offers, but content that helps them out in some way.

People love content so much they will actively hunt it down.

You want them to find you when they do this.

And to attract them, your site needs a blog, tips, FAQs or resource section – or even better, all of the above!

You have to publish things that people want to read about, which isn’t normally the same as the stuff the organisational hierarchy have a strong opinion about, so:

  • Ask reception or customer service staff
  • Look at sites like for questions frequently asked
  • Think about what you’re asked all the time by friends, family and associates
  • A radical thought – ask your customers directly.

Then create content that answers those questions.

Organic Search Traffic

Organic traffic is that which comes from people clicking on the (non-paid) search result links.

Most effective, websites with healthy visitor numbers, have a good proportion of visits coming from organic search.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is everything you do to make your site a more attractive destination in the search engines eyes – i.e to get you good search result rankings. Some of the strategies above are necessary to improve your search rankings and grow organic traffic.

But in addition, your site should be optimised for search – which means getting all the technical bits right so the site is an attractive destination for the search engines. This includes:

  • Unique landing page for each product or service offering
  • Search friendly URLs
  • Canonical URLs
  • Unique title tags and descriptions
  • Appropriate use of keywords in the above, but also in headings and content body
  • Clean, fast loading code

Get out and be social

People do business with people, so make sure you are where your customers hang out – whether it be Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Pinterest.

Being active on social networks means being the face of the business so get someone who is an appropriate spokesperson – not just the youngest, hippest person on the team!

Like the website itself, you will need to promote your Facebook page or Pinterest page, and reach out to build your Twitter/LinkedIn communities. This can be done via competitions and giveaways, or actively reaching out to individuals. It depends on the platform.

Once you’ve written your excellent content, share it on these social media platforms so that it is exposed to more people. Include social sharing buttons on your website so it is easier for readers to share it for you.

Interact and join discussions – if you comment intelligently on content or discussions that are directly related to your business, and if you back it up with helpful content on your website – then this can be very effective.

However, it can be time consuming, and too many people comment on blogs and forums just for the sake of it so pick your platforms and discussions carefully. If your content answers a question you can also link to it in your response to questions or discussions..

Become a video star

A blog post or article that answers a common question can be re purposed as video or Slideshare content. And for complex services, a picture paints a thousand words.

Have a product? Are you a location based business? A video is a great way to show them off.

Set up a You Tube or Vimeo channel to post your video, and include prompts to visit the site or subscribe to your channel for further updates. Video content also contributes to search visibility.

Good video can take a while to prepare and you need the right tools to do it. Alternatively there are video creation companies that will do it for you.

Attract referrals from other sites

Referred visitors are a bit the same as referrals in the offline world. They vary in quality but can be a very effective way of attracting visitors to your site and getting leads.

Referrals are when another site places a link from their site to yours – when someone clicks on that link they will show up in Google Analytics as a referred visit.

Get repeat visitors

Don’t forget that it can be cheaper to get more business from your existing client base than it is to win someone who has not dealt with you before.

Make sure you have some of your website dedicated to providing good support and service to your existing customers.

Include regular updates and fresh content on your site so people come back for more – even if they weren’t ready to buy what you offer the first time they visit, over time they will become familiar with your content and your business. And knowing is the first step in the know-like-trust process.

Email newsletters with links to your latest blog or article is a great way to a) get material for your newsletter and b) send people to your website where they can spend time reading about your offers that might be relevant to them.

Read more Speed up website security in four clever ways


Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM.


Skype: tdhseo

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