Category Archives: DIGITAL MARKETING

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How to promote your event with Facebook ads

Once your event is set up on your Business Page, head over to the Facebook Ads Manager to begin setting up a campaign to boost your event to the right audiences. When creating a new campaign, begin by selecting your campaign objective to be “Event Responses.” This is the event-specific objective, but it’s not the only one you can use—more on that soon.

Facebook campaign objectives for events

Next, in the ad set level, select your targeting criteria and your budget if you’re not yet planning to use Campaign Budget Optimization, or CBO, yet. Remember, this is going to be the standard budget setting option come September 2019. CBO will require advertisers later this year to set and manage their budgets at the campaign level, rather than at the ad set.

Once your targeting is selected, you can move on to the ad level tab to create your event ad. Here, you will give your ad a name and, as you scroll down below the ad copy area, you will see a field where you can type in your event. Search for the event with the event title that you included on your Business Page.

select your event to set up Facebook ad

Once you type in the event, the content will auto-populate, generating an ad using the details from your event. That’ll look something like this:

And you’re almost all set!

After you launch your ads, one way to test and optimize your event campaign is to test ad copy variations or switching out the creative. If you want to edit any of the other event details, as seen below the creative, that will need to be revised on your actual event page.

And speaking of testing…

Test your Facebook ads strategy

It’s important to test copy and creative, but that’s not all there is to optimize. Here are five more strategies you can test to try out to get more attendees out of your Facebook ads for events.

1. Try the branded content feature

If you are working with another brand for your event and it tags your company in a post, you can test out the Branded Content feature (as seen in the screenshot of the ad set up above). For example, if you are a smaller or newer company running an event, partner up with a larger, relevant brand that may be a partner or sponsor of your event. This way, if they post about you and tag you from the business page, you can then run that post in your account as an ad and test various audiences. Here’s an example:

Facebook branded content ad

By partnering with other brands and utilizing the Branded Content feature, this will help boost your credibility as a new or smaller company by having a well-known or larger brand backing you, like HubSpot in the example above. This boost in credibility will increase awareness, engagement, and, ultimately, your event attendance.

2. Test non-event campaign objectives for Instagram placements

Facebook event response objective campaigns are successful, but they don’t transfer over to Instagram placements. There are ways to advertise your event in Ads Manager across both platforms and in additional placements, though: You just have to choose a different campaign objective.

Select a different campaign objective, such as traffic, to drive people directly to your website to learn more about your event and to register on your website. If you are using a third-party event registration site that doesn’t have an option to place your Facebook Pixel on it, that’s okay—however, the trade-off is not knowing what happens to that person who clicks through since you’ll lose tracking once they get to the landing page. Ideally, you will want to have registration on your site to track conversions back to your Facebook and Instagram ads. That way you’ll have more insight into what is working and what is not cutting it for your ad set audience targeting, ad copy, or creative variations.

If you are using the popular event registration site, like EventBrite, for your event registrations and ticket sales, it is possible to add your Facebook Pixel onto their platform, so tracking won’t get lost. Here are steps on how to add your Facebook Pixel to EventBrite.

To expand your reach further, select Instagram as an ad placement in the ad set level so you can reach users in the Instagram feed and Instagram Stories. You’ll want to prompt them with the call to action to “Learn More” or to “Sign Up”—or, if you are promoting multiple times for your event and it applies, use “Get Showtimes.” Because Instagram is such a highly visual platform, testing video ads for your event is highly effective here.

4. Promote a new event with Facebook ads

Will this be your first time promoting a new event? Test out some content to entice your audiences to learn more about it. Showcase speakers, artists, musicians, topics of discussion, or other people, places, and things your event attendees can expect to see. Highlight sessions, venues, or early bird pricing as an incentive to register sooner rather than later.

Facebook event ad example

If you’re advertising a business-related event that would require attendees take time off work or travel to the event, you need to advertise your event to your audience and sometimes their employers. We’ve had success driving first time attendees to an event after creating and promoting an “ask your boss” form that highlights the benefits someone can present to their employer. This can help attendees ask their company to attend your event. Make it easy to attend.

5. Advertise a recurring event on Facebook

Do you have a recurring event such as a monthly meetup or webinar, an annual conference, a multi-city tour, or another type of recurring event? Entice past attendees to return by showcasing new aspects of the event. This will make help confirm that the attendee is familiar with your brand, but also make it clear they have reason to attend for a new experience. Stay true to your brand and events, but always find ways to keep things fresh. For instance, when working with conferences in the past, we’ve promoted similarities as well as the addition of new speakers, sessions, networking events, and exhibitors, which helped increase retention rates show over show.

If you are targeting people who have not previously attended one of your similar past events, use creative, such as images and videos in your ads to show a large audience, so that it looks successful. That will help you establish more authority and trust with your events and if people missed it last time, they may get a sense of FOMO this time around. If you had a successful event, show it off, be proud, and invite new people to attend next time.

For remarketing campaigns, show some sneak peaks and behind-the-scenes previews to excite potential attendees and move them further down your funnel. Attending events—especially going solo—can be intimidating, so make it exciting, seamless, and easy for them to convert.

If you are promoting an upcoming online webcast, do a brief video on some teaser tactics your speaker can share and have them encourage and invite people to register now to learn more. Here’s a great example of a webinar ad that is not only free to attend, but also clearly states the value proposition for both the teaser and the full webinar:

recurring event ad

If you are promoting a fundraising event, focus on the ways that attendees will give back to a non-profit and how it will be mutually enjoyable, helpful, and rewarding. If you’re running ads for a tour that a musician client of yours may be preparing for, create campaigns for each city stop and focus targeting, ad copy, and creatives that will speak to people in that location and share that musician’s excitement to play for that particular crowd. If you’re running a local event, one thing we’ve also found effective over the years is to use creative that resembles the location of the event and the audience you are targeting.

event ad with location mountain background

From awareness to attendance with Facebook event promotion

Now that you’re familiar with ways to promote your event using Facebook ads, jump into your Business Page to create an event, head over into Ads Manager, and start testing out various campaign options to get the word out about your upcoming and exciting event!

Read more How to make your Facebook Ad Campaign successful


Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM.


Skype: tdhseo

Thank you!

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Just learn everything about ecommerce marketing

These are the five most telling insights from that data—insights you can use to help you run your ecommerce business.

1. 67% of small ecommerce businesses name campaign structure as biggest challenge

50 of the 75 Google Shopping advertisers we surveyed said structuring their campaigns and organizing their product groups is the biggest challenge they face. Tangentially, the second-most common challenge cited by respondents was setting bids. Because campaign structure and bid strategy are related, we’ll tackle both here.

When you initially create a Google Shopping campaign, Google groups together all the products you sell (as outlined in your product data feed) in a single product group. From there, it’s your responsibility to break that initial product group into separate product groups. Because you’ll be setting bids at the product group level, this is a crucial part of the campaign creation process.


When creating your product groups, three metrics in particular are important to keep in mind: priceprofit margin, and conversion rate. To the best of your ability, you want the products in a given group to be close to equal across (at least two of) these three metrics. If you include your most and least profitable products in the same group, the same bid will apply to all of them.

Remember: The bid you set on a product group is the amount of money you’re willing to pay for a click on any of the products included in that group. You shouldn’t be willing to pay the same amount of money for clicks on two drastically different products. Generally, you should set higher bids on products that are more expensive, more profitable, and higher converting.

If you can segment your product groups in a way that puts your budget to the most efficient use possible, you’ve have a leg up on the rest of the pack.

2. 40% of small ecommerce businesses manage data feeds manually

Another key challenge cited by the advertisers who completed our survey was managing a product data feed. As it turns out, 40% of respondents are doing this manually with Google Sheets or CSV files.

In case anyone reading hasn’t gotten started with Google Shopping yet, a product data feed is simply a spreadsheet (housed in Google Merchant Center) that organizes key information about your products in a manner that Google can easily understand.


This is the information Google relies on to populate the Shopping search results when a consumer searches for a product. So, the better you manage your product data feed, the better chance you have of getting your products in front of relevant, high-intent shoppers.

As you can imagine, manually managing a product data feed becomes more and more difficult as your product catalog grows. Plus, because the visibility (and eligibility) of your products depends on the quality of your data feed, trying to manage too much information is as risky as it is tedious. That’s why automated feed solutions—software programs like WordStream’s Data Feeds that automatically optimize your product data and sync it with Google Merchant Center—are popular among ecommerce advertisers that sell hundreds or thousands of products.

3. Only 8% of small ecommerce businesses sell on Walmart Marketplace

For reference: 55% sell on their own online stores; 41% sell on a Shopify store; 39% sell on Amazon; 28% sell on eBay; and 13% sell on a BigCommerce store.

For those of you who haven’t heard of Walmart Marketplace before, it’s a third-party ecommerce platform that enables you to sell your products alongside Walmart’s. It serves to get your catalog in front of the millions of people (mostly Americans) who visit the Walmart website every month. That visibility comes at a cost, of course. Every time you sell a product, Walmart charges a referral fee. Think of the referral fee like a highway toll—you’re paying for access.


Here’s why you should care: The per-sale referral fee is the only cost associated with selling on Walmart Marketplace. It doesn’t matter what you sell or how much of it you sell per month. There’s no monthly subscription cost (as there is on Amazon), and you’ll never get hit with additional fees (as you will on Amazon). Considering we’re talking about the third-largest online retailer in the US, that’s a pretty sweet deal.

To be fair, Amazon boasts several advantages over Walmart Marketplace. In addition to reaching more consumers, Amazon offers a robust pay-per-click advertising platform and a top-notch order fulfillment program. There’s no denying the importance of those tenets.

However, the point is this: Walmart offers a large, affordable marketplace that not too many of your competitors are using. If you have the capacity to add a new platform, be an early adopter!

4. GDN is twice as popular as Bing Shopping among small ecommerce businesses

When we asked our survey participants how they advertise their businesses outside of Google Shopping, 65% listed the Google Display Network—and only 33% listed Bing Shopping.

Let’s be clear about something: We love that a strong majority of ecommerce businesses are using display advertising to their advantage. As we discuss in our Google display ads cheat sheet, the GDN

is a fantastic way to both build your brand and keep it at the top of your prospects’ minds. You can remarket to past website visitors, explicitly target people in the market for your product, and even turn your customer list into seed audiences. Display advertising is a great investment.

But is it twice as valuable an investment as Bing Shopping? Nope. That’s not a shot at the GDN; rather, it’s a vote of confidence for Bing. Allow us to explain.

First things first—although the GDN reaches far more people than Bing Shopping does, the former can’t match the commercial intent of the latter.

The people who see your Google display ads aren’t actively looking to buy anything; the people who see your Bing Shopping ads most definitely are. The ability to get your products in front of commercially minded people at the exact moment they’re looking to make a purchase is reason enough to use Bing Shopping.

But we’ve got data, too, cowboy. As you can see in our recent report on Google and Bing Shopping benchmarks, Bing offers both cheaper clicks and higher click-through rates. And although Google Shopping users tend to convert at a higher rate, the average Bing Shopping CPA is nearly half the average Google Shopping CPA.


Millions of users. Commercial intent. Cheap clicks and conversions. What else do you want?

5. Only 11% of small ecommerce businesses prioritize expanding to new advertising platforms

One final insight: Whereas 59% of respondents listed improving their campaign ROAS as their top priority—and another 15% listed building out their product catalogs—only 11% listed expanding to new advertising platforms.

Now, this isn’t entirely surprising. At the end of the day, driving more sales at lower costs is the ultimate goal of any ecommerce business. We certainly don’t want to discourage you all from identifying ROAS as a point of focus.

There’s no denying, however, that promoting your products on new platforms—both those that are new to you and those that are new to all digital marketers—comes with a lot of upside.

Read more The most brilliant marketing strategies you should know


Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM.


Skype: tdhseo

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Everything about Instagram Hashtag

You might already be using hashtags in your Instagram captions and comments, or you might be skipping those for now. Whether you’re trying to boost your impact or get started, these tips will help you to hashtag like the professional! Here are eight tips to master your Instagram hashtag game.

instagram hashtag post with succulents

1. Do your hashtag research

First and foremost, it is important to realize that the art of hashtagging is much more than simply adding the hash sign in front of words you think of. To use hashtags in your Instagram content in a meaningful and effective way you need to do your research. So where to start? Here are a few ideas…

  • Use online tools: There are tons of tools out there—like RiteTag, ExportTweet, and Hashtagify—that will give you data on what hashtags are popular.
  • Start searching: Type hashtag ideas into the Instagram search bar and see what autofills.
  • Check your competitors: See what your competition is doing, as well as brands and account that your target audience is likely following. Getting inspiration from other accounts can be super helpful to gain an understanding of what hashtags are trending (more on this in tip #3!).

The key to selecting good hashtags is to ensure they are on target with your target audience’s interests, and popular but not overly popular—you don’t want to get lost in the clutter. You know the kid in school who wasn’t considered “popular,” but was well-liked and known amongst many groups? You want that fall into a similar arena with your hashtag game.

“We’ve noticed that the more niche the topic, the more conversations users are having around it, so it pays off to really hone in on a topic or theme,” says Benjamin Chacon from Later.

2. Don’t over hashtag

While it might be tempting to hashtag your little heart away on each post, it isn’t good to go overboard on hashtags. When it comes to having more of an impact with your hashtag game, it can actually pay off more to be picky. In fact, research has found that the optimal number of hashtags per post is 11.

While Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags per post, your time is better spent researching and using a handful of super effective hashtags rather than stockpiling a ton of tags per post.

Instagram post with burgers

Hashtags and burgers better in moderation.

“Tossing 30 hashtags on a post only does so much-especially for businesses,” says Alex York from Sprout Social. “It gets to #overkill pretty quickly. And if your brand isn’t focusing on the right questions or goals, all of this seems a bit worthless to invest your valuable marketing time.”

3. Get inspired by other Instagrammers in your industry

There is absolutely nothing wrong with spying on your competition from time to time. In fact, when it comes to hashtagging this can be a super useful investigative activity. Joining in on trendy industry topic hashtags and finding niche industry-related tags that your audience is likely following can be insanely beneficial for upping your hashtag game.

Take this food blogger, Restoring Radiance, for example. Below, you can see that she posted a picture of her yogurt, and rather than using simple hashtags, like #yogurt or #breakfast, she used many hashtags mentioning other brands that her target audience is likely following like #f52grams and #foodgawker.

Instagram hashtag post with yogurt and granola

Why not take a page from her book and use some popular industry hashtags in your next Instagram post?

4. Create your own hashtag campaigns

The cool thing about hashtagging is that you aren’t restricted to using other hashtags that have already been used. You can get creative and build a campaign around your very own branded hashtag. This can take your brand to an entirely new level if done in a creative and engaging way.

Take the unforgettable #IceBucketChallenge. The marketing team for the ALS Association was able to raise awareness with this hashtag campaign, but they also raised a substantial amount of money ($115 million to be exact!). Think about how you can do something similar by getting your followers to WANT to use your hashtag, which will help spread brand awareness about your business to other Instagrammers.

Instagram hashtag search results for #icebucketchallenge

5. Keep your hashtags consistent—but not too consistent

As discussed above, it is important to research your hashtags for each post and ensure you aren’t using hashtags that are overly popular. If you do, your posts are likely to get lost in the sea of other hashtagged post. But should you be using a new set of five to 10 hashtags for every single post you compose?

The answer is no. There is absolutely nothing wrong with re-using the same well-researched, highly targeted hashtags if those are what appeal to your audience. In fact, you should keep a note handy so you can easy copy and paste your commonly used hashtags into new posts. However, spicing things up a bit is also encouraged. For example, use the same five or so on-brand hashtags, but add in a few new ones that are even more relevant to the photograph or video you are sharing. Relevancy is critical when it comes to hashtag use: If someone is exploring a hashtag and your super irrelevant post pops up, it could make the entire brand look un-reputable.

6. Build a giveaway around a branded hashtag

Everyone loves free stuff. This is just simple human nature. I find myself entering Instagram giveaways on the daily to win cookbooks of chefs and bakers I follow. Often, these giveaways are quite simple to enter. The brand will post about giving away a copy of whichever cookbook and ask you to tag a friend in the comments to enter. While this is a super easy and doable way to give something away, why not take it a step further with a branded hashtag?

Take the example below from Talalla Retreat, a beach-front resort that emphasizes yoga. Rather than just having users like and tag someone in the comments, their contest required folks to post a picture with the hashtag #WINTalalla. What I love about this type of giveaway is that it is still easy to enter, but it’s going to get so many more eyes on your brand since those entering have to share a photo to their entire followers list while using the branded hashtag.

Instagram giveaway post with branded hashtags

7. Use hashtagging to connect

Another wonderful thing about hashtags is that they are a great way to connect with others and build a community. Keeping an eye on trending hashtags can help you discover new partners and engage those who are in your target market. Building an Instagram marketing campaign around a hashtag can also be a super useful way to partner up with a related brand. This will help you gain even more exposure, since this partner brand will be posting about your company to their entire audience.

Read more How to Use Instagram Stories For Business


Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM.


Skype: tdhseo

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All the best facebook ads you should learn about

If you know what you’re doing with Facebook ads, reaching your ideal cat enthusiast should be no problem.

Now that we’ve covered why you should advertise with Facebook, let’s take a look at what Facebook has changed about their ad platform over the last 12 months — and what it could mean for your ad campaigns.

What Happened In Facebook Ads Last Year?

Facebook introduced several new features to advertisers last year. The updates range from new audience targeting and lead nurturing options to funnel features and loads of new ad formats.

Wait, what new ad formats? I’m glad you asked.

Facebook launched a new product focused ad format called a “Collection.” Clicking on the ad leads users to an immersive, fast-loading shopping experience on Facebook that can showcase up to 50 products at a time.

Here’s a brief glimpse of what a collection ad can look like.


Here’s a brief glimpse of what a collection ad can look like.

While this format is exclusively for mobile users, it’s pretty damn beautiful (an don’t worry, we’ll look at some in-depth examples later).

And speaking of examples, let’s go ahead and begin crowning our top performers in each category. Who knows, you might even get a new idea or two for your own campaigns.

It’s okay, Steve. I think we’ve got it from here.


It’s okay, Steve. I think we’ve got it from here.


Our Top Facebook Ads Of The Year 🏆

There are quite a

few different ad types for you to choose from in Facebook’s Ad Manager. These ad types vary from simple to complex. But the goal is the same throughout — to generate strong engagement and clicks from your target audience.

For a more in-depth walk through on refining your target audience in Facebook, you can check out this helpful guide on how to get more from your Facebook campaigns.

This top performance post will give our favorite examples from each of these different ad types. So, let’s get started.

Photo Ads

Photo ads are the classic Facebook promotions we’re all used to seeing in our News Feed. You can use these to increase brand awareness around your Facebook page or to showcase a new offer.

A very clean photo ad by MOO that does a great job of catching user attention.


A very clean photo ad by MOO that does a great job of catching user attention.

Keep in mind that Facebook newsfeeds are constantly flooded by different types of ads (especially photo ads). So, try to distinguish your product with an actual scene like the ad above.

As opposed to just a plain product image, MOO went with a nicely positioned, big photo of their cards with a color that really makes them pop. Just look at how that red sets the stage.

Why does this ad win for the Facebook image ad category? Because MOO did a great job with creating a unique photo ad (who would think of peppers?) that can really disrupt user flow as he or she scrolls down the News Feed (veering away from, say, a blue color which might not be contrasted enough from the main Facebook brand color).

You can even add links in these photo ads that lead to your actual site or landing page if you want to go beyond just brand awareness for your Facebook page. But, as AdEspresso says in their ad types guide, don’t expect too many clicks from these links. There are other options for that, and we’ll get to those soon enough.

Video Ads

Facebook video ads are technically a type of link-click ad, but instead of a static image for your creative, you use a video or animation. These can be great boosters for your Facebook ad campaigns. We all know how much time users spend watching videos on Facebook, so why not join the party?

In such an overly saturated Facebook environment, it’s important to distinguish your brand from the hordes when trying to grab your users’ attention.

This is where following a few video best practices will pay off (especially in social media).

In terms of which video ad performed best last year, let’s take a look at the example below and why it’s so awesome:

Antonia Saint New York’s Video ad for their new high-tech heel


Antonia Saint New York’s Video ad for their new high-tech heel

Antonia Saint New York created an incredibly effective Facebook campaign in 2017 around their Kickstarter page.

This high-tech heel brand wanted to generate pre-purchases of their new heel line for their crowdfunding campaign.

Image of the heel brand’s Kickstarter page


Antonia Saint New York’s Kickstarter page

This Facebook ad campaign resulted in some huge growth for the high-tech shoe line. By tracking who clicked on their links and video ads, as well as who visited their website or Facebook page, Antonia Saint NY was able to create custom and lookalike audiences for successful remarketing campaigns.

This resulted in a return on investment (ROI) of more than 700% and nearly 2,000 sales from Facebook alone. That’s a big winner for 2017, alright.

The shoe brand was able to leverage their videos’ high click rate to generate strong engagement for their campaigns where it mattered.

By using video as a base insight to create more targeted audiences for remarketing campaigns, they generated actual sales growth instead of just brand awareness. The primary Facebook video campaign focused on explaining the high-tech quality of their heels while the secondary remarketing focused on closing actual sales. And close sales it did.


Yes, in February of last year, AdWeek announced that you can use GIFs in your animated video ads on Facebook. But so many people still don’t take advantage of the option.

Buffer was quick to hop on top of this innovative and engaging method of Facebook advertising. After all, most of us love GIFs.

They actually used GIF ads on two different types of campaigns — the first was a download campaign (link-click ad) to generate conversions for their “Ultimate GIF Guide.”

Note that blue is the color of creativity (most FB ads use this color).


Note that blue is the color of creativity. Most FB ads use this color.

The second campaign was a lower friction, delight-based GIF ad playing off some Harry Potter branding. Playful ads like the house-theme GIF below are a great way to develop strong brand awareness and followers for your Facebook page.

Which House would you be in?


Which House would you be in?

Building up your Facebook community gives you more direct access to your target audience to leverage insights for more powerful optimization.

Each type of Facebook ad has unique benefits that match the goal it should be used for most often. And when it comes to GIFs, the goal for this ad type is “delight”. Buffer killed it in 2017 with these ads by leveraging delight with relevant content offers for big wins.

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads are a great Facebook resource that allows you to show multiple products or offers on a single ad, each with their own link.

Now, there are multiple ways to leverage carousel ads to increase Facebook engagement, link clicks, or eCommerce conversions (sales). But they’re also a great opportunity for you to show off some unique creative branding chops.

This is what Sumo did so well with their 2017 carousel ad campaign.

Some of the best Carousel ads connect their cards with a single image.


Some of the best Carousel ads connect their cards with a single image.

Carousel ads can be a great resource for A/B testing certain features of your ad campaigns. For example, in the images above and below, you can see that the ad creatives are nearly the same. But even though the offer doesn’t change, each panel has its own unique CTA.

The second and third cards extend the same image throughout the ad.


The second and third cards extend the same image throughout the ad.

This way, Sumo marketers were able to A/B test their CTAs to see which converted at a higher rate and use those insights later on in their social advertising.

Keep in mind that there’s a two-card minimum and a 10-card maximum for carousel ads. The sweet spot, however, tends to be within the 3-5 card range, as this is enough cards to ensure that users have to scroll a bit, but not too much to bore them.

Slideshow Ads

These are essentially carousel ads that auto-rotate your selected images instead of waiting for the user to click through or scroll.

For slideshow ads, you can use a pre-existing, self-made video slideshow, or you can upload distinct images to Facebook and select which ones you want to use. You can get pretty granular with your slideshow design by including things like:

  • Image ratio on each image
  • Fade element/style
  • Time each image will show
  • Total images shown
  • Total slideshow length

One slideshow ad best practice is taking successful carousel ads and transforming them into slideshow campaigns. That’s exactly what Sumo did:

Slideshow ads (as opposed to carousel) show each card more individually.


Slideshow ads (as opposed to carousel) show each card more individually.

This way, after optimizing which CTA and offer works best via your carousel split testing, you can select a singular CTA to use on the slideshow app. However, you get to keep the elements from your individual slideshow cards to convey more value (while keeping the user focused on the ad’s overall goal).

This is how slideshow ads can one-up their carousel counterparts. The best social media campaigns will build off one another to leverage more data from the previous campaign to build a more efficient and targeted campaign in the next level of ad type.

Collection Ads

The newest of this bunch, collection ads help retailers showcase their products to mobile users in a new way.

Think of this as a “digital catalog” that allows consumers to browse products straight from your ad. This new era of mobile shopping eliminates long load times and ugly mobile sites, which in turn will reduce friction and drop-off.

Creating a collection ad is simple — all you have to do is choose the “Collection” option when you start making a new ad.

You can find this under the “Format” section on the “New Ad” page.


You can find this under the “Format” section on the “New Ad” page.

From there, you can choose from one of the templates Facebook offers:

Note the new “Lifestyle Layout” lets you promote multiple products in one lifestyle photo.


Note the new “Lifestyle Layout” that lets you promote multiple products in one lifestyle photo.

Once you choose your template, continue creating the ad as you normally would, with a headline, text, etc. For a more in-depth description on setting up collection ads, visit Facebook’s nifty “How To” page.

Anyway, the winner of most epic collection ad goes to Adidas.

Adidas uses this collection ad by featuring a compelling (dope) video above products in a specific line.


Adidas features a compelling video above products in a specific line in this collection ad.

According to a March 2017 Facebook case study, Adidas saw a 5.3x return on ad spend (ROAS) through this campaign.

By using the collection ad for a specific product line or matching theme, rather than all products, Adidas was able to tailor their ad content solely around promoting it’s new Z.N.E. Road Trip hoodie.

The brand also tapped into the cross-selling opportunities collection ads are capable of by including complimentary Adidas products that would add even more swagger to their offer (and their sales revenue).

Canvas Ads

Canvas ads are a great mobile asset for brands trying to prioritize their mobile engagement with their Facebook audience. These ads are mobile optimized and load instantly. And on top of that, they’re designed specifically to capture the complete attention of your mobile users.

How? By taking up the whole screen and creating an interactive ad experience. The level of interactivity in your canvas ad experience, however, is up to you.

Our big winner for this new format is Volkswagen, for an awesome campaign advertising one of their new models.

This campaign uses all the capabilities canvas ads offer. Users see an attention grabbing video encouraging them to click through to the actual canvas ad.

After clicking, they navigate the VW car from an aerial view around a winding mountain road. Along the ride, the VW makes certain informative stops where users can read up on the new model’s features and perks.

This is a great example of an immersive ad experience that walks your user through the different aspects of your offer. This helps ensure they see all the value you’re conveying — which should lead to a boost in conversions.

Lead Ads

Not all Facebook campaigns are focused on generating direct sales from their ads. Some are focused on filling the funnel with leads for the brand’s marketing and sales team to work on. This is where Facebook Lead Ads come into play.

With lead ads, you can encourage users to sign up for different courses and special offers you’re advertising. With Facebook being such a powerful platform for eLearning industry brands, these ads can be a huge asset to boost your key gated content campaigns.

So, which brand used this sign-up option effectively?

Our prize for the lead ads category goes to LeadsBridge for their awesome use of lead ads for downloading their app.

They even used emojis to boost engagement.


They even used emojis to boost engagement.

LeadsBridge is the big winner because they fully optimized this campaign for ideal performance. Not only did they use the best Facebook ad format for their ideal goals, but they took it a few steps further:

  1. They optimized for actual app downloads instead of simple lead lists.
  2. A very unique and value-driven creative catches users’ eyes.
  3. They used emojis to radically increase their conversions by 2000%.

With a boost in conversions like that, it’s no wonder that LeadsBridge was the big winner for this category.

Dynamic Ads

Just as lead ads are best used for lead generation campaigns, dynamic ads are best used for remarketing campaigns across the Facebook platform.

When properly integrated with your product catalog and eCommerce platform, dynamic ads will automatically promote products to users who’ve already expressed interested in your website, brand, or app.

Also, these ads are technically a form of remarketing, so there’s a bit of advanced setup required.

This will include tracking pixels, so make sure to follow the best practices for dynamic ads if you want to see success. As for the big winner for 2017 dynamic ads, the prize goes to…

The Kooples’ Facebook remarketing ad campaign.

Perfect for Facebook eCommerce


Perfect for Facebook eCommerce

The Kooples leveraged these perfect-for-remarketing ads to target users who had viewed, liked, or engaged any products on their new trouser line. Then, they retargeted them with a 50% special deal in another dynamic remarketing ad.

If you’re looking to target previous visitors or users who failed to complete their transactions, offering incentives or savings is always a great way to close the deal. So, keep your eCommerce campaigns supercharged with these dynamic ads.

Read more All the best Facebook advertising tricks for small business


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The stupid mistakes can make you go wrong in online marketing

Marketing experts will scream unison that if a person searches something online or if he ticks a box that he likes something it means that he’s gonna buy it.

I say that’s bullshit!

Being interested in something does not mean buying it.

You really think that you can guess intention of a stranger based on 1–2 actions he does? You must be a mind reader, or just thinking too high of yourself. People who known each other for years have problems guessing each other’s intention, but no you. You know what everybody thinks and wants, just because Facebook told you so.

The fact that someone searches for stuff online usually means that he wants to have a look what type of stuff there is in the market because he’s interested in it. But it sure as hell does not mean that if he click your 5$ per click Google AdWords ad that he’s gonna buy it from you. Most likely he just clicked on 10 similar online stores, closed 9 of them instantly and then showed his friend what kind of thing he was talking about. Yes eventually someone will buy something from you via Google Adwors, but before that you will have 10 clicks from fake customers for which you will have to pay and which will eat all your margin.

Ticking the box is even more ridiculous. Firstly because most of the consumers just tick something in order to move further and reach the end of the form. And even if they do read it, you gonna get “valuable” information such as “this female consumer is interested in cosmetics” or “this man is interested in porn”. Wow! That’s totally worth paying 10$ for.

Reaching customer with targeted campaign will often cost more than with non-targeted

Image you are selling car related products and our marketing specialist advised you to only target people with cars. This sounds like a reasonable thing to do, because why sell car products to someone who does not have car?



In USA over 90% of households own a car. So if the targeting “only” car owners raise the cost of the campaign by 50%, you wasted 35% of that money as you only filtered our 10% of useless customers and thus saved 10% on the cost, but paid 50% more to do this.

And there are many examples of that. Even with quite the opposite numbers. For example when we are talking about low cost marketing campaigns such as email marketing, it doesn’t matter even if over half of our database is not targeted, because filtering the useless majority out will cost more than sending 1000 campaign to the whole database.

You will reach the same customer anyway, why use more expensive channel?

Many marketing experts don’t realize that in the end they are always reaching exactly the same people, no matter what marketing channel they use.

I’ll give you an example. Back in the early 2000s I was running a webdesign agency in Finland that made simple websites for companies.

So my goal was to reach as many companies who wanted to have a website as possible. How would you market your service to them?

Set up Google AdWords campaign with related keywords?

That’s what most of my competitors were doing.

But tell me what’s the point to pay few bucks per click in finding those customers when I could get email database of all Finnish companies and send email offer to them with the price of just 1 cent per contact?

And that’s exactly what I did.

Read more The most brilliant marketing strategies you should know


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The best digital marketing tips for beginners

It is necessary to know about these points of growth in the online world. With consumers increasingly demanding for relevant information and needy individuals searching for efficient solutions to their problems, without digital marketing, it’s hard to move on.

So then,

What are the best digital marketing tips for beginners?

1: Your Website

Your site is one of the most critical parts of your digital marketing strategy. View it as your home on the internet. Often, it is the first impression that potential clients or developers will need to before contacting your company.

Thus, you need to set-up a fully functional website that is user-friendly. Please, note:

  • A poorly plan website can ruin all your marketing efforts (including sales).
  • Make sure you have a clear value proposition. Studies show that you only have about 10 seconds for site visitors to understand what you do and how you do it.
  • Have a strong call-to-action. It should be evident to your site visitors to click through to other page’s and follow up the next step in the sales process.
  • Know your audience and ensure that your content is relevant.
  • Don’t hide your contact information. Facilitate the location on all pages.

2: Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the Act of buying traffic through paid search listings. It is also popularly called pay-per-click advertising. You can configure SEM through Google AdWords or Bing Ads.

This strategy allows your website to show up on top of Google and Bingwhen people search for your keywords. It is, in fact, an excellent way to get your presence in front of the search engine, especially for brands that are just starting or have not had time to build organic search.

3: Bet on Social Networks

Social networking sites can help you engage with your customers, increase the notoriety of your brand, improve customer service, convert visitors into leads, Drive more website traffic, and boost your search engine rankings. Here is how to turn social media followers to paying customers.

Pro tips:

  • Choose a few channels that are right for your brand. You don’t need to be in all of them.
  • Do some research to find the social media platforms your target audience is using the most. Run surveys and ask your customers what social media channels they use often.
  • Write and share informative content relevant to your ideal customer. Make sure they are interested in what you are offering and listen to their views as well.
  • Encourage user-generated content (UGC). Ask your audience appropriate questions that will enable you to gather vital information to create UGC.
  • Organize contests and let them share your story on different social media marketing channels, and then, calculate or measure their undertakings.

4: Content Creation

Creating quality content should be one of the most critical aspects of your digital marketing strategy, for the following reasons:

  • Your website needs quality content to be effective, and your social networks need compelling content to engage your audience.
  • All your marketing efforts would be useless without high-quality content.

Strangely enough, what makes for great content? Your blog content must resolve the problems of your readers. You’re an expert in your field, then share your knowledge. Help people. Give them advise hat will solve their problems.

Pro tips:

  • Share actionable blogs that address your customers’ needs. Your products or services must solve the problem or lack of your potential buyer.
  • Write about your client’s situation — what he knows, cares about and thinks. Connect with your target market so that you can better educate him on how your product or service can improve his life.
  • Tell your story — One of the first things you learn in business is that humans love to connect, not companies. Share your experience and create a human connection with their customers. Storytelling will help you connect better with prospects.
  • Write about the benefits of your product. Resources is all about your product, how it works and the benefits of using it. Hence, the benefits show the value that your product brings to the table. For example, your product or service will improve your clients’ quality of life, create financial security, etc.

Therefore, create content that relates to your buyer persona.

5: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is no use having a beautifully designed website if nobody can find it, right? Search engine optimization techniques are used to make your content easy to find in search results pages (SERPs).

Here are some tips on why you first need to have an excellent SEO process on your site:

  • The first five results on Google receive 67% of all clicks, and, therefore, it is safe to say that SEO is crucial when it comes to digital marketing. In consequence, make sure that your site’s titles include the main keywords that you are targeting. If you are not sure about what keywords to use, Google Keyword Planner can help you.
  • Write about topics that your potential customers are searching for on Google. Think of the most frequently asked questions that you receive and write a blog post around each one.
  • Make it easier for other site owners to connect to your blog or website. You can do it by adding your website to a directory, write guest posts for other sites, ask your partners to links to your site, etc.

These combined tactics will improve your website SEO strategy, making it more relevant, and therefore more accessible for people to find you.

6: Advertising on Social Media Networking Sites Pays

Advertising on social networks pays pretty well because your social media ads campaign is sent directly to your target buyer. It will assist you to:

  • Increase content visibility.
  • Drive more website traffic.
  • Boost email sign-up and conversion.
  • Improve search rankings.

In view of this, invests in social ads to aid you to promote your content on various social media channels. Facebook is by far the most popular platform, and for most companies, it is recommended to start there.

Read this post to discover top underused social media marketing strategies to publicize your blog and also how to get others to share or promote your content for free on social media. The most important points to remember about advertising on social networking sites are:

  • Get to know your target audience — Sharing interesting blog content is the crucial point. Don’t talk about your company or products, share materials that will benefit your ideal buyer. Speak in your unique tone to help them relate to your articles. Social media publicity is about the expansion of your content and website, not about pushing some unattractive posts in their throat.
  • Create a custom audience — Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn can be very detailed with user demographics, location, user interests, and behavior by segments. Experiment with a few different audiences and discover what works best for your company.
  • Have a purpose. Wow, your post received 1,000-page views, and then what?
    If people are engaging with your content but not involved with your brand or product, does it make sense?

Use social media advertising to help get people to entangle with your brand.

7: Display Advertising

This kind of advertising utilizes different types of display tactics such as large print, colorful makeup, images like videos, large spread, and so forth. Unlike text-based ads, visual advertising are more of pictures, audio, and videos.

They are shown to your audience whenever they’re browsing online, and not necessarily while they are looking for your product or service. Display ad is excellent for improving awareness. And more exciting is that you can get many views on a limited budget

Read more The best guide for consumer marketing


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The Methods To Market To Women Customers 

Here are two insights that every marketer should take into account when building marketing campaigns focused on women:

1. Women are “multiple markets in one”

What does that mean? To understand this, let’s think about Christmas time. Who buys presents for everyone in the house and for the members of the extended family? The lady of the house. She buys presents for her children, her husband, his colleagues at the office, her elderly parents and in-laws, cousins and friends.

Of course, this situation is not limited to celebrations spending. Women buy on behalf of the people who live in their household on a regular basis.

Women influence various industries and marketers should take that into account.

2. Don’t rely on the name that’s on the credit card

Just because the name on the credit card which pays for purchases is a man’s name, refrain from jumping to the conclusion that he is making the buying decisions.

It’s still the woman who makes the buying decision.

Here are Bridget’s recommendations on how to market to women:

1. Study women as you would a foreign market

Women think differently and they experience life in a different way than men.

Discover their desires and goals, their fears and behaviours.

What are they fighting for and what are they fighting with. Put yourself in their shoes.

Victoria’s Secret is a brand which hasn’t put itself in women’s shoes (or lingerie) in a very long time. It might never have done this to begin with.

The glamorous women’s lingerie brand was founded in 1977 and it is still marketing like it’s 1977. Retail analyst Paul Lejuez says women don’t want to be viewed as stereotypical sexy supermodels buying lingerie just to impress men.

That’s why Victoria’s Secret has seen fierce competition in recent years from brands such as ThirdLove, Aerie and Savage x Feinty by Rihanna which design their products to meet women’s needs of comfort, beauty and sexiness.

2. Track demographics changes across generations

Life has changed a lot for women. There are many differences between Baby Boomers women, Gen Z women and Millennial women. They have different aspirations for their personal and professional lives. They have different outlooks on motherhood, beauty, marriage and relationships.

There is a female culture and it should be studied by marketers with the same focus that studying a foreign market requires. Cultural differences dictate language, behaviours and perceptions.

Bridget Brennan

Here are 4 interesting insights focused on women according to reports conducted by PwC:

  • Women have fewer children;
  • Women have children later in life;
  • Women are the main caretakers and breadwinners in many households;
  • Women are a growing purchasing power: 70% of household budgets in the G7 are controlled by women, globally 85% of consumer purchases are made by women which is equivalent to a worldwide spend of $20 trillion.

3. Stay clear of pink unless you are raising money for the breast cancer cause

The colour pink has been synonymous with female nature for a very long time because manufacturers and designers didn’t know any better.

To illustrate an entire gender with just one colour is simply not good enough and frankly offensive. Women struggle with life’s hardships just like men. Unlike men, women juggle with many roles on a daily basis and manage to come out on top.

Women are not delicate princesses dressed in pink gowns and they certainly don’t see themselves as that. They are not powerless and don’t wait for men to come and rescue them.

4. Hire women

Research reports show organisations with women in management are more innovative as the share of female managers increases above 20%.

Reports conducted by The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology show that teams which included at least one woman had a collectively higher IQ than teams that had just men.

If your company is looking to market to women, hire women in your product design and development team to represent your customers.

Read more How to market to customers by Facebook Messenger


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Recommendation to create a Facebook ads funnel

Organizing your prospects into different stages like this allows you to craft messaging that can honestly speak to their needs, allowing them to transition seamlessly between each stage of the funnel. Through this process, you’re able to develop relationships with potential buyers, gain their trust, and bring them steps closer to your ultimate offering.

How did we use Facebook and email marketing to bring the marketing funnel to life for one of our clients? Here’s the process:

Step 1: Target high-funnel prospects with Facebook video marketing

It’s important to introduce people to your product or service before you ask them to buy from you. This introduction occurs in the Facebook ad brand awareness stage. Our strategy starts with using Facebook’s video views campaign objective to show video ads to top-funnel prospects.

Why video marketing is important

Video marketing is becoming more prominent than ever before. As the average human attention span gets even shorter, companies need to find newer and more creative ways to deliver their message quickly and effectively. Video helps them to do just that. A 30-to-60-second video can share more about your brand’s unique story than a simple image or text ad can, especially when there’s a character limit. For brands with complex products, video also helps make information easier to digest.

Another benefit of video marketing is its ability to evoke emotions from viewers through auditory and visual elements. Video encourages social shares, which can help spread your message even further. We’ve seen a lot of engagement with our video ads, which is valuable even when viewers decide not to click through. When a company provides prospects with useful and interesting information, it helps them build trust and create long-term relationships.

Understanding the video views campaign objective

The “Optimization for Ad Delivery” setting in Facebook allows you to choose the event you want to optimize for in your ad set. Facebook’s goal is to then get you as much of that result as possible (and efficiently). Unlike other campaign objectives, this one specifically optimizes for video views.

Defining your audience

One of the benefits of using this “Optimization for Ad Delivery” setting is that you’re able to reach a wide audience at a significantly lower cost per 1,000 people reached when compared to other campaign types. At this point in the marketing funnel, reaching as many people as possible is our only objective. Why? Because it helps us grow our remarketing audiences, which are key to the next step in our strategy.

Therefore, the audience for your video views campaign should be broader than what you would normally target in a campaign optimized for conversions. When we first started using this campaign objective, we defined our audience by interests and locations. We soon realized that this limited us and that we were missing out on potential prospects who did not fall into our targeted interest categories. As a result, we began targeting people solely by location and then used the data Facebook collected on how long people watched our video to help us gauge interest and relevancy.

The offers in the next two stages of this strategy help narrow this audience down even further. When this audience becomes more targeted, it will grow smaller, which is why having more data to start with is so important. For businesses with very niche audiences, expanding visibility and reach in this first stage is essential; it’s harder for Facebook to optimize and deliver the most efficient results when it’s working with a small audience.

Creating video content

If you’ve already created videos for your website or social media platforms, this strategy is perfect for you. Guess what? You can use that existing content to engage a new audience of prospects.

But what if you don’t already have videos? In that case, we highly recommend you start creating some as soon as possible. Video marketing, including B2B video marketing, is growing every year. If you’re in the B2B industry and need to explain how your product/service works to new prospects, it may be hard through a text ad, especially when there’s a character limit. It’s much more effective to show prospects a 30-second video ad, as it can help increase a user’s understanding of your message.

While other objectives don’t optimize for video views, they are available to support video. Videos are a great way to add value to messaging in every stage for the Facebook ads funnel, including in the campaign type described next.

Step 2: Retarget mid-funnel prospects with lead ads

The next step is to use retargeting to reach the high-funnel prospects who’ve already seen your video view ads. You should present this audience with a mid-funnel asset, such as a demo or whitepaper, in return for their email address or other personal information. Not only will this asset help educate them about your product/service, but it will also allow you to use the information you’ve gathered offline to continue the nurturing process. We recommend using Facebook lead ads for these mid-funnel assets.

How to generate leads on Facebook

Facebook lead ads simplify the conversion process by eliminating the need for a landing page. When a user clicks the call to action button on the ad, a form loads on the screen instead of sending users to a landing page on a website. This feature is valuable for many reasons:

In our client’s case, we used lead ads to invite the people who watched our video ads to join our email newsletter and offered a discount on our services in return. Although we chose to target our video view audience, your audience doesn’t necessarily have to come from the top of the facebook ads funnel; you can also use remarketing audiences from another source, such as your website.

Facebook lead ad retargeting best practices

When creating lead ads on Facebook, consider these tips:

It’s important to note that blog posts are another mid-funnel usable asset in this stage. Instead of sending prospects to a lead form, you would send them to a landing page. While you wouldn’t be collecting any personal information with this asset, you can retarget those visitors later with a lower funnel asset that does utilize a lead form. Multiple touchpoints and resources are an important part of the nurturing process.

The time it takes to nurture prospects will vary by industry and the complexity of your product or service. Prospects who have to make a big investment might need more time and information before they can reach the final stage of the funnel.

Speaking of which…

Step 3: Target low-funnel prospects with an offer

By the time you’ve gotten to this point in the strategy, you will have hopefully nurtured your high-funnel leads into low-funnel prospects. If you’ve done everything right, these people will now know more than just what you offer-they will have gained insights into your business and have a deeper trust for your brand.

Your audiences for this step should include anyone who has not yet shown high buyer intent by this stage of the marketing funnel, whether acquired on Facebook or another source. For example, we created one ad set with our email list and another with website visitors. Make sure to exclude converters from these audiences. The campaign objective you use will depend on your industry; a conversions campaign might make the most sense if people can purchase your product or service online, while B2B marketers might be better off using a lead generation through Facebook campaign to promote a consultation or demo. Either way, you’ll want to encourage users to take the lowest-level action they can complete (and that you can track) online.

Read more Facebook Ad guide for beginners


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The way to increase Click Through Rate

Category : Google Ads

campaign’s click-through rate is actually a ratio of how many people clicked through a link to visit a page or other digital medium compared to the total number of people who saw the campaign.

The more click-throughs you have, theoretically, the more targeted your campaigns are and the more they seem to speak to your prospects’ needs.

Of course, just because someone clicks through a link to land on a page doesn’t mean they’ll browse, linger, and buy. A prospect could easily click through and bounce. That’s why you should never use this KPI by itself to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Your CTR does matter, however, and the greater the number, the more successful your ads are deemed to be, or emails, or whatever else you’re using to measure the CTR.

Click-Through Rate Formula

Before we begin breaking down the average click-through rate, so that you can determine how your campaigns are performing against the national averages, it’s important to learn how to calculate CTR all on your own.

For this, we will use a simple formula.

Click Through Rate = Number of Click-Throughs / Number of Impressions x 100 (to get the percentage)

When working with email, we won’t use impressions, but the number of tracked messages delivered. The rest of the CTR calculation will remain the same.

For example, if your ad campaigns list 1000 impressions and 23 click-throughs, your formula will look like this:

CTR =  23 / 1000 x 100 = 2.3%

Is that a good or a bad CTR? Let’s find out.

What is a Good Click-Through Rate?

Now that you know how to analyze click-through rate, you might wonder how your campaigns measure up.

For paid digital ads, Wordstream reported that the average Adwords click-through rate is 1.91% on search and 0.35% on display.

Facebook Ad click-through rates range from 0.5% to 1.6%.

When it comes to email CTRs, Mailchimp reported that email click-through ratesvary widely by industry. For example, restaurants show a CTR of 1.25% while the hobbies sector ranges around 5.13%.

Real Life Examples of Measuring Click-Through Rates in Marketing

Digital marketers everywhere are attempting to improve their campaign click-through rates. Let’s look at a few examples of how they’re doing so.

Email Click-Through Rate

Out of all the challenges email marketers face, suffering from low click-throughsseems to top the charts.

Most Challenging Obstacles to Email Marketing Success


SuperOffice is one such company. They report a higher-than-average email open rate of a whopping 40%. Yet, the organization’s CTR is only 4%.You know how they figured out how to improve click-through rates? Simply by sending their emails on different days of the week.Effect on Day of the Week Click Through Rates

By changing the days, the brand managed to increase CTRs by more than 100% on Saturdays and Sundays.

SuperOffice further boosted their click-through rates by segmenting their audience, which made their emails more highly targeted for more clickable success.

38% click through rate in email marketing campaign


Look how Keap managed to increase CTRs just by altering the send times of each email.

email performance by hour

Calculating Email Click-Through Rates

As we covered earlier, measuring CTRs for emails is the same as it is for advertisements, you’ll merely switch “Impressions” with “Number of Emails Delivered.”

For instance, if you send an email to 250 subscribers and 20 clicks on a link contained within the email, your CTR would be:

CTR = 20 / 1000 x 100 = 2%.

The more people who click on the email’s links, the more successful the email is said to be.

In fact, CTR is seen by email marketers as one of the most critical KPIs for measuring email marketing success, second only to open rates and delivery rates.

email marketing metrics


Benefits of Increasing Your Email Click-Through Rate

When an individual opens an email, they do so because of two primary factors. 1) They recognized the recipient 2) The email’s subject line reeled them in; and most probably both.

Once inside the email, the information had better be targeted and relevant, or else most won’t read to the very bottom. And the bottom of the email is typically where the link resides.

At any rate, a great email not only attracts readers, but it also entices the click.

More click-throughs simply means that your email marketing efforts are paying off.

Of course and once again, email CTRs are only part of the story. Your readers could click through your emails only to bounce from your landing page. That’s why your entire marketing message has to be consistent and cohesive.

But excellent CTRs for your emails is definitely an excellent start to an effective digital marketing campaign.

How to Boost Organic Click-Through Rates

A search engine optimization campaign has the ultimate goal of jumping to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). Getting to the top of Google’s first page for your primary keywords is quite a feat, but only if your click-through rates rise along with your rankings.

What good is an organic listing if few leads click on it? Instead, you’ll want to work on improving your organic click-through rates to keep the leads flowing in from Google and other search sources.

Advanced Web Ranking has created a chart that shows the average Google click-through rates according to the use of both mobile and desktop devices.

Notice how the click-through rates are highest for the first position of the Google SERPs.

The click-through rates are 29.79 for desktop and 22.32 for mobile, respectively, as seen below.

A mere one spot drop leads to a drastic reduction in CTRs. For desktop, the second spot leads to a CTR of 14.96 for desktops and 13.95 for mobile.

So, you can see that attaining the top spot in Google is key if you hope for maximum traffic and engagement.

Even if you don’t achieve top positioning, you can improve your CTRs in the following ways.

Microsoft found that organic listings performed better with regards to click-through rates when the URLs were descriptive.

This way, people actually get to see where they’re about to end up, making your link much more enticing to click.

how to improve organic ctr descriptive urls

You can also increase your click-through rates by writing descriptive meta descriptions and making sure they’re unique for each page.

You are also encouraged to use Schema markup, which outlines your organic listings for clearer selections and a more prominent attractive Google profile.

Benefits of Increasing Your Organic Click-Through Rate

The largest benefit of a higher organic CTR is that you could potentially earn more prominent Google rankings.

Wordstream found through research that increasing click-through rates led to higher organic rankings. If you want to move one spot, for instance, you need to increase your organic click-through rates by 3%.

It makes sense, as Google wants to deliver to its users the most valuable pages possible and a high CTR indicates that you’re offering exactly that.

Turns out, increasing your CTRs also improves your conversion rates.

This also makes sense, as the more traffic you earn, the higher your chances of converting those folks into paying customers.

PPC Click-Through Rate

When you manage to create relevant and quality ads that speak to your prospects’ needs, you’re more likely to get a click-through.

You can increase your PPC CTR like ducttapemarketing by using trademark and registered symbols in your ads. Doing so conveys credibility and trust, which users prefer if they’re going to click your ad.

How to Increase PPC CTR with These Quick Tips

Other tips include using sitelinks. Like Schema markup for organic listings, sitelinks give prospects more choices by outlining your site so they can make the exact selections they need.

How to Increase PPC CTR with These Quick Tips

And a strong call-to-action. If you want them to click-through your ad, you might as well tell them what they’ll get once they do so. In this case, book your ticket is a great way for Clear Trip to get its ad audience to act.

How to Increase PPC CTR with These Quick Tips

Benefits of Increasing Your PPC Click-Through Rate

If you can manage to maintain a good click-through rate, your Quality Score will rise. This tells Google that you care about quality and want to deliver the best ad experience possible to your users. This puts you head and shoulder above anyone just starting out on the Adwords platform, and with seniority comes many benefits.

One benefit is that you’ll be able to save on your cost-per-click rates. This is Google’s way of rewarding you for keeping up the good work. With these savings, you can compete for all your high-value keywords while spending less of your ad budget.

Google will also reward you with greater impression share. This is how often your ads show up for your audience.  For example, on the Google Search Network, a mere one-point increase or decrease could massively impact the impression share of all the ads you have in place.

The thing is, you likely don’t have to improve your click-through rates that much. The national average for Adwords CTR is only 3.40% at its highest for the dating and personals category and .84% at its pinnacle for technology.

Read more Why should you use DoubleClick Search


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Great tips for google adwords keyword tool

Category : Google Ads

This keyword tool is one of the best ways to establish a baseline list of AdWords keyword ideas for your website. You enter a word or phrase, or alternatively, a URL, and the free AdWords Keyword Tool spits back a list of related keywords and some additional traffic data. Make most of Google Adwords Keyword Tool by following the given strategies

1.Draw ideas from the Adwords Keyword Tool

The Google AdWords Keyword Tool helps you get keyword ideas. It is an important process when it comes to keyword optimization. The Google Adwords Keyword Tool can build a keyword list that is relevant to a business and thereby ensure the business is able to focus on the target audience at an advanced stage. The keyword tool can also be used to search for new keywords and ideas that can define a marketing or targeting campaign.

2. Optimize match types

When using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, it is important to optimize match types to bring about a correct picture of the keywords that will be useful to a campaign. With the choices to exploit broad, exact or phrase setting of the keywords, selecting the appropriate keyword stands as a crucial step because it will inform the kinds of keywords generated. The miscellaneous options define the keywords depending on the option of having other keywords that mention the keyword, keywords where exact phrase is used or the exact form of the keyword.

3.Rank keywords 

Another relevant tip to consider while using Google AdWords Keyword Tool is the ranking of the keywords. This tool makes it possible to upload the list of keywords after which the same are rated as per low, medium and high settings. The tool also helps the user to reveal priority keywords for the competition including the cost to be incurred when bidding for the same.

4. Search new keyword combinations 

The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is one of the paramount platforms that can be used to search new keyword combinations & this is mainly done through expansion of the keyword list. Expansion is done by inserting the different lists of keywords and allowing the tool to merge the lists which creates new combinations that can easily be adopted for a specific campaign. The tool thus becomes a major contributor in this respect which represents a major success in terms of finding new alternatives and combinations.

 5. Assess how competitive your keywords are

Competition for ad rank can inflate your ad costs substantially. In order to get a better feel for what your competitors are bidding on, upload your keywords and Google will give you a ranking for each. The ranking will be either low, medium, or high, on the basis of how many other people are bidding on a particular keyword. This can help you decide what types of keywords are high priorities for your competition as well as give you an idea about potential cost.

6.Find impression volumes 

The best benefit of the Google AdWords Keyword Tool is to find impression volumes. The process of getting the impression volumes comprises inserting the keyword list which the tool uses in the process of breaking down the same to produce search volumes for each keyword. This then informs a marketing campaign since a marketer is able to make a decision on the preferred keywords to utilize according to the goals and targets of a campaign.

Read more How to choose a right AdWords Keyword


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