3 reasons to choose dedicated hosting service

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3 reasons to choose dedicated hosting service

Dedicated hosting provides your site with far more resources to keep up with its expansion. Of course, there are other benefits involved in upgrading to a dedicated hosting plan as well. These include improved stability and security, as well as the chance to configure every element of your server.

There are many types of hosting plans, and you may be wondering how dedicated servers differ from the rest. In a nutshell, dedicated hosting means you are renting an entire physical server for your website. This server can be completely configured to meet your specifications. You’ll also have more memory dedicated to your site, which results in better loading times.

This is a stark contrast to shared hosting, which is the cheapest and most common type of plan. With shared hosting, you are renting limited space on a physical server. The memory on that server will be shared between all the websites it hosts. This means that if one website is having a particularly busy day, it may draw resources away from your site.

3 Ways to Tell If You Need Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is a powerful option, but it isn’t right for every website. However, there are three simple ways to decide if you need this kind of plan. Simply ask yourself if you fall into one or more of the following three categories.

1. You’re Looking for Increased Security

Website hacking is on the rise. The security on a shared hosting plan is typically fine for smaller and more personal sites. However, if your company handles particularly sensitive data (such as credit card numbers), you might need the added security that dedicated hosting provides.

Dedicated hosting offers top-notch security because you can configure the entire server to meet your needs. This includes creating a tighter firewall to keep out hackers. It also means you don’t have to worry about another website on your shared server exposing your own site to malware.

A2 Hosting offers around-the-clock support in the event of an attack for all our plans. Still, dedicated hosting is the best way to make sure your site is completely safe, and to prevent security breaches before they happen.

2. Your Site Requires Improved Server Stability

As we’ve mentioned, another advantage of dedicated servers is improved performance. On a shared server, the memory you are paying for is split among several sites. A usage spike on one site can pull resources away from yours. This means that if one site you are sharing with has a busy day, your site may lag. Too many visitors at once can even make your site crash!

However, on a dedicated server, all its resources are reserved for your site alone. If your site is growing, dedicated hosting is a perfect way to keep loading times down. This is particularly important if your site is already experiencing delays due to high traffic. Visitors can quickly become impatient and leave your site if pages take too long to load.

If your site isn’t quite big enough to justify a dedicated server, but has grown beyond your current shared plan, VPS hosting may be a better option. Like a dedicated plan, all of the memory you are paying for is reserved for your site. This offers a huge improvement over shared hosting, at a lower cost than dedicated hosting. Plus, you can always upgrade later if you need the additional resources.

3. You Want Total Control Over Your Server’s Configuration

With dedicated hosting, you’re getting your own physical server. This means you can configure ithowever you like. If you’re an advanced user, or you just have very specific requirements for how you want your server to be set up, dedicated hosting fits the bill. For example, you could configure a firewall that meets your exact security specifications.

Even if you don’t have the technical know-how to do those things yourself, you can get a managed dedicated plan. This means your provider will handle most of the necessary setup and maintenance for you. While this type of plan does come at a higher cost, you’ll get the full benefits of dedicated hosting without having to do much work yourself.

When you purchase a managed dedicated server from A2 Hosting, your plan includes 24/7/365 tech support from our Guru Crew. We will work with you to configure your server just the way you want, even if you don’t know all the terminology involved. What’s more, our team works around the clock to guarantee that your site stays up at all times.

Read more Tips for Choosing a Hosting Service


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Why should you use Windows VPS Hosting

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting plan provides your site with its own individual operating system, disc space, and bandwidth. This is a stark contrast to shared hosting plans, in which those resources are shared with many other users. VPS hosting enables you to provide a more optimized service for your visitors – which is essential as your site really starts to grow.

There are many advantages to signing up for a Windows VPS hosting plan. In the next few sections, we’ll look at four of the most important, in order to help you make a more informed decision.

1. It’s a Cost-Effective Solution

As your website continues to grow, it’s likely that budgeting will become more challenging. Putting time and money into shared hosting when your site has outgrown it can be a poor investment.

At the same time, you don’t want to overspend and get a dedicated server for a site that doesn’t need one. VPS hosting provides an ideal middle option for sites that are just beginning to expand.

For example, Windows-based VPS plans here at A2 Hosting start at $36.29 per month:

While more expensive than shared hosting, this is still a highly-affordable choice for many small- to mid-sized businesses.

2. There’s No More ‘Neighbor Drain’ of Resources

One of shared hosting’s downfalls is the fact that the same resources are accessed by multiple sites. This means that if another site on your server has a sudden spike in traffic, for example, you’ll have fewer resources to work with.

As a result, your visitors might experience slow loading times, which in turn can lead to a reduction in traffic and conversions. This is not an ideal environment for websites that have the potential to grow – nor does it give your site and business a professional image.

With VPS hosting, your resources can’t be drained by your neighbor’s activities. Therefore, you’re able to offer a faster, smoother experience for all your visitors.

3. You’ll Benefit from a Higher Level of Security

In a general sense, VPS hosting is considered more secure than shared hosting. This is largely due to the fact the apps and data stored on a virtual server are completely isolated from other users.

On a shared plan, if another site on your server suffers from a malware infection or another form of security breach, it’s possible that this could also affect your site. In contrast, the separate storage available on a virtual server means that it’s a lot harder for infections to spread between users.

What’s more, the Windows-based VPS plans here at A2 Hosting are managed. This means you’ll benefit from additional security measures, including firewalls, intrusion monitoring, and regular remote backups. This is in contrast to unmanaged plans, in which most security measures and general maintenance tasks are the user’s responsibility.

4. You Get More Control Over Your Site

Since a VPS hosting plan is independent of other accounts using the same physical server, you have more control over your partition. You get the entire operating system to yourself – including full access to available resources and files.

Windows-based VPS plans at A2 Hosting come with full administrative control. This enables you to set up and customize your server the way you want it, as well as to install and use additional software. The added control over your site also means you are able to try out more advanced coding, and test applications more effectively.

Last but not least, VPS hosting plans are also incredibly simple to upgrade as your business continues to grow. There are a range of hosting packages to choose from, each offering different levels of processing power, storage, and memory. That means you only have to pay for what you need, without hamstringing your site in the process.

Read more Something important about VPS Services


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How to choose a suitable server for a small budget

Your site and business may grow in fits and spurts. The more consumers your website attracts to your business, the more resources you’ll need to continue supporting the website. Scaling to larger servers, however, can be cost-prohibitive to an unsteady young business. Here are a few steps to consider when gauging when to make the move.

Determine How Much Time You Want to Spend on Server Management

Your business will likely start on a shared hosting plan while you establish your branding, product portfolio, and customer base. As you gain traction in the marketplace, however, you could outgrow the constraints of a shared environment and need to seek more secure, stable, and powerful servers. VPS hosting, which stands for virtual private servers, represents a safe middle ground between the crowded chaos of shared hosting and the high-priced realm of dedicated servers.

However, with great power comes great responsibility… at least, usually. While hosting providers will take care of the shared server infrastructure powering thousands of customers at once, the dedicated computing resources associated with your virtual environment will typically fall under your purview. Some of the server management tasks you may be responsible for include:

  • Software and operating system updates
  • Security patches
  • Daily or weekly backups
  • System uptime monitoring
  • Antivirus protection and malware scans

As you step up the hosting ladder, however, providers typically roll out more support and services geared toward treating you like royalty. Your host may cover many of these tedious processes, but the managed services label can be applied many different ways. You’ll definitely want to pay attention to the fine print here to see what’s included.

All that said, server management is a place where you can stretch your budget a bit. By investing some time and patience, you can absolutely manage your VPS, cloud environment, or dedicated server to save a few bucks — or, by investing in managed services, you can spend more time working on your business goals and less time on your infrastructure.

Take Stock of Your Current Needs and Growth Rate

When your child is just learning to walk, you don’t put them on a maxed-out treadmill, right? The same applies to shopping for web hosting.

Take a realistic inventory of your company’s online requirements and what you can reasonably expect in the next three years or so. Compare that with your annual budget to see what hosting solutions seem to make the most sense.

In addition to the rate traffic you expect to see each month, spend some time thinking whether you have any nuanced technology decisions to make. Perhaps you’re better equipped to work with one content management system or eCommerce platform over another. This could inform which operating system or computing resources you may need. You’ll need to balance having ample processing power and storage space with the idea of what you’ll actually consume.

You may not have an opinion on how many CPU cores you’ll need, or if you’ll want to use storage powered by solid-state or hard-disk drives — and that’s OK. But work to understand how those components contribute to your overall hosting expenses. For example, Linux hosting is based on a free and open-source operating system, while Windows Server licenses can get rather expensive for your provider. Similarly, SSDs are inherently faster and more reliable than HDDs — but they can cost quite a bit more and typically have smaller storage capacities.

Read more 3 reasons to choose dedicated hosting service


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Something important about VPS Services

The reason why many people choose VPS over shared hosting is that VPS hosting gives you access to dedicated resources and full control without the need to run your own server. Those who have outgrown the limited options of shared hosting, but aren’t ready to commit to a dedicated hosting plan should definitely go for the VPS hosting.

Advantages of VPS Hosting

  • Reduced Cost: When it comes to using VPS within an enterprise, the costs are notably low than a full-fledged dedicated hosting service. If you want the resources of a dedicated hosting server, you can have them by using VPS without spending a substantial amount of money.
  • Customization: VPSs offers multiple levels of customization, allowing you to select and pay for the features you want and not pay for those you don’t want to use.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: When you are not sure about how much and which resources you need, VPS hosting plans are available to offer solutions for the multiple stages of a site’s growth. With VPS, you can begin with a number of resources and then, you can add or remove a resource as your site grows. VPSs build up with you to accommodate your new requirements and let you pay for only those resources that you need at the present time.
  • Full Control: You will have more control over your server with VPS hosting just like dedicated hosting. You can fully access your VPS server which turns out to be great for installing your own framework and software. Plus, you don’t need to worry about others while configuring and restarting servers as you are the only one running the server. Moreover, VPS Linux servers have the option for root access. Basically, root access is the administrative user that allows you to install custom software without seeking out a provider and, access, edit or remove all of your files. You can disable services that you don’t need, configure advanced settings for the active software and many more.
  • Enhanced Security: As VPS hosting runs from its own OS, it restricts the access to root processes and provides a higher level of security. With VPS hosting, there is no need to worry about any malicious attacks because you are leasing a VPS right from the hosting. However, the security of your network depends on you as well. It is up to you that how much time you spend on securing your server and how much technical knowledge you have.

Disadvantages of VPS Hosting

  • Physical Server Constraints: If a physical server fails or breaks down, every VPS associated with that server also fails.
  • Restricted Resources: While VPS is better than shared hosting, you will still get fewer resources than you would get in the dedicated hosting. You will be allotted with separate packages and resources, but any way you will share with others in a physical server.
  • Requires Additional Technical Knowledge: Unlike shared hosting, you need to have more technical knowledge in VPS hosting to set up the software, software fixes, control the server, and handle the security issues. The shared hosting service takes care of all these issues for you whereas, in a VPS environment, you are required to have extra technical skills.

How to Decide It Is the Time to Switch to VPS Hosting?

If you are still confused to keep using the dedicated server in the future, then try to choose VPS as your next step. Before going for the VPS hosting, analyze the day-to-day traffic you typically get and how much control you want to have on your site. If you are running a normal site or are new in the digital world and you usually get less traffic, then you should opt for shared hosting.

Anyhow, if your site receives more than hundreds of thousands of hits in a day or a great number of resources are used by your website, then you should consider the VPS hosting. At any moment, if you plan to use additional resources for your site, then there is VPS available with easy adjustment and scalability. With a flexible hosting solution like VPS, even a small business with less budget can use this to host as many sites as they want.

Programmers usually go for a VPS hosting provider instead of a shared hosting service as it gives a higher level of control that makes the deployment of web applications easier and simpler. While dedicated hosting services gives you root access, VPS has more affordable options for you to reach similar levels of control. But, the use of root access demands carefulness and should only be used by those people who have technical knowledge or experience as there is a high probability of deleting or destroying files unintentionally.

When it comes to security, then VPS is a better option than the shared hosting providers. VPS offers user-specific password entries and firewalls to make certain that your site’s back-end is always safeguarded. But you should conduct proper research before committing to VPS as many clouds and dedicated services give a similar level of features and safety. Don’t forget, the security is highly dependent upon your technical expertise and how properly you can configure the server.

And, if you are new in learning the technicalities, then you should opt for such a hosting provider that can help you manage your site efficiently. Or, if you own a small business or a normal site that has no team to manage and monitor the site, then try using the VPS hosting. As an alternative, consider cloud hosting to achieve high levels of security and resources for your business. Like VPS hosting, you can get greater scalability with cloud hosting services as your business grows. But if you are looking for the same level of command like VPS hosting, then it would be a great idea to choose a dedicated hosting plan which is very costly but gives you full control over your site.

Which Factors Should You Look for In A VPS Hosting Service?

  • Self- or Fully-Managed VPS: The first question when choosing your VPS comes to mind is: self- or fully-managed hosting solution? The answer totally depends on your needs and technical know-how. Briefly, many a developer opt for self-managed VPS hosting as it offers greater flexibility and gives more freedom to update and secure. Programmers don’t usually need a fully-managed VPS hosting because it costs more and gives less control. But, if some of your team members are less tech-savvy, then fully-managed VPS will be the right option.
  • Reliability: Look through the SLA numbers and the clients that you need to see as a hosting provider for its reliability. While picking a host, make certain that the available resources will fulfill your needs completely. It is extremely important to select a hosting service that has the ability to properly allocate the resources to every customer without interfering with the individual servers.
  • Backup Service: Even though backing up a site is not a difficult or big thing still, there are many providers that charge money for this service. Ensure that anything from your site will not get deleted accidentally by questioning if your VPS service offers simple backups for free.
  • Rapid Support: In this day and age, nearly every hosting service is backed by excellent 24/7 customer support. Before you log in with a provider, you should check that if they have a helpful and uncompromising support team. Ask your companions and acquaintances if they have used that service and know that how do they find the support staff or read as many reviews as possible.

Read more Tips for Choosing a Hosting Service


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