The reasons why your website should have more internal links
Category : On-page SEO
Internal linking occurs when a website creator adds a hyperlink to a page that directs to another page within the same domain. For example, if you go from a company’s homepage to its contact page by clicking on a link in its content, you’re using an internal link. Internal linking makes it easier for users to navigate around a website, helps to create a hierarchy of information within the website, and helps to keep each page’s ranking power even with others within the same domain.
The reasons why your website should have more internal links
If you need some convincing before you start going <a href> happy, there are a few key reasons why internal linking is important for SEO.
Your high-priority pages should have a higher amount of internal links going to them. This gives them more link value and a hierarchy to your website that Google can understand. Google bots can then better crawl your website, hopping from one page to another through your internal links. This is great for newly-created pages of importance to you, as it means they get indexed faster and therefore appear on the SERP a lot quicker.
When you use an internal link you send both users and Google bots to another, relevant page. Google will get an idea, and as will the user, on what that page is about when you use descriptive anchor text.
This means it is preferable to describe the page you are linking to with a key word rather than something generic like “click here”.
The words “clicking here” do not tell bots what content will be on the page you are linking to, whereas “blue hats”, for example, reveals this.
Using interlinking on your blog helps you form so-called topic clusters with your content. You’ll have one high-priority page (a pillar page), with other posts that contain content on the same theme but at a more granular level (cluster posts) – The pillar will link to each cluster and vice versa; this is SEO interlinking.
Google will understand that you cover the topic in detail, establishing yourself as an authority on the subject, so therefore Google better understands what your website is about and it can rank you more highly for all the surrounding related keywords you may target.
The majority of backlinks go to a website’s homepage, giving the most authority, or ‘link juice’ to this page. But, by using strategic internal linking, you can help spread the power of the site through all the inner pages too. Just make sure you don’t NoFollow your own internal links (it happens!)
It’s good practice to go on your website and check the pages or blog posts with the most backlinks- you can then try and find opportunities to link internally from these pages to make sure you spread link value throughout your site.
You can use Google Search Console to find out your pages with the highest amount of backlinks.
Just log in to GSC, click on ‘links’ at the bottom of the left hand side, and you can then see the sites that link to you most and which pages are the most linked to.
Psst, you can also see which pages have the most internal links too, and use this to run an internal link audit- more on this later.
Use these powerful pages to link internally to your high-priority pages.
Not only are internal links a great way to communicate with Google, but they also are invaluable to users. Often when someone is researching a topic, they will probably have questions that relate to that topic that you can provide answers to, or products for.
An example from one of our clients, GolfSupport (a golf e-commerce store), may be a blog post we wrote on the different types of golf clubs on the market.
Although the post may take you through the differences between woods and irons, it doesn’t answer other questions around the topic – like once you’ve decided on the club you want- how do you know what size to get? Here we could link internally to the cluster post we created on that topic, helping push the user along the buyer’s journey. Then, in the golf club size guide, you may want to internally link to a category page for that particular golf club (if you are an e-commerce store).
You’ve helped a consumer narrow down what they want, and pushed them deeper into your site through an internal linking strategy.
Read more at about How Many Internal Links per Page or Post
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